BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 09 - Apr 14th, 2023

General Summary

  • yivin woke up, conscious yaaay
  • we talk about what he missed
  • old lady talked to us, we got magic items and gave them to each other
  • we go down the mountain into town
  • we talk to villagers that need help
  1. there is a lizard in the hot springs
  2. poisoned water supply, creature not letting them near it
  3. there is a creature attacking people, capturing them(?) (also raiders if we want)
  4. coven of hags in ravenyard under nobleman's watch
  • we deal with the water supply issue briefly with invention by d'volta
  • we decide on hags first
Report Date
15 Apr 2023