BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 10, Apr 21, 2023

General Summary

  • we got there
  • we have a place to stay
  • went to market, roe left
  • someone got re4'ed
  • we got note from guy to secretly meet them at night
  • we talked to the noble rude guy
  • his wife is dead lmao(both of them XD)
  • his first wife was a hag, their children were staked
  • he has more kids now, the daughter cant leave palace
  • his second wife died from the first one, hag shenanigans
  • noble doesn't have too much info because he's a little baby and doesn't want to go and actually do stuff
  • we meet captain of guard he "totally" took care of the hag problem
  • new flash, he didn't
  • we got care package from roe, varioius items are within, different guy comin to replace them
  • we met the daughter and her bodyguard(they're in love <3)
  • hedge room WITH A SUNDAIL >:((((((/hj
  • yeah she told us that the guard captain totally didn't deal with the problem, shed pay us if we did
  • were like ok cool, we wont let him burn innocent ppl at the stake
  • d'volta constructed a literal palace(shrine) from his head
  • Guard is prob a changeling, he had heterochromia, eye taken out
  • returned to room
  • woah! new person and ghost dog!!!!!
  • dog is incorporeal cannot be pet :(
  • we have funny silly little conversation
  • we will meet with the guard captain tomorrow
Report Date
27 Jun 2023


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