BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 42 - Feb 16th, 2024

General Summary

  • sending the shadow money wizard gang
  • ask them where Ernog Snowgleam is
  • caius is busy doing "binding rituals. he's looking for darvaca stronger then the nightwing. he'll be gone a while searching and wearing them down to put them under his control."
  • pull up to his location
  • sneak into the town hall
  • d'volta suggests the normal guy leave so we can talk to pride
  • he's very interested in showing us to the plateau (dragon area) (wink wink nudge nudge)
  • he cant go himself bc obvs hes just a wizard lord apprentice (lol)
  • and not one of Lucius Valerius's spies
  • haha
  • the nightwing is there
  • hi guy
  • pride has plans he cannot share with us about spreading the blackfrost
  • he asked us whether or not Korkau was or was not undead
  • we didnt wanna tell him!
  • ominous!!!!
  • repeated that caius wanted to meet with sinani when he was stronger
  • asked adelaide if she was a metal elemental or a construct
  • why was he asking abt that......
  • he is secretly a fleshwarp btw
  • didnt really feel like changing his ways
  • adelaide i think we're gonna have to kill this guy.
  • dang :(
  • adelaide killed this guy
  • sent mr nightwing back to entropy land
  • we go to the druids
  • didi swimming in pond
  • time to go find caius!
  • level up!
Report Date
17 Feb 2024
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