BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 50 - Apr 19th, 2024

General Summary

  • after the cosmic battle


  • Caylon looks at vani with his big eyes like where do i go now??
  • no more Tempestas Filinna mark, only a shadow that looks like a birthmark on his cheek
  • u could go back with Faun Coren if you wanted or you could come with me??
  • and he wants to go with vani :)
  • i dont have a dad anymore are you my dad??
  • vani at the ripe old age of 5 is like . sure!


  • yivin goes back to the healing house and the orphanage and meets w faun and the kids and theyre excited
  • they sit down and talk and yivin decides to get things settled there before travelling to other wartorn places
  • yaaaay
  • explains abt the bubble and stuff to faun


  • goes home, ressurects family, has an actual day w them
  • gives them the company so he can go off to be a wizard lord on the sea


  • go back to the tiny church where she learned all her stuff
  • Carolyn and Siobhan
  • The right hand is dead and his grandnephew was supposed to take over but hes missing (thats bc hes a tentacle guy)
  • the aeon has been seen and mistaken for Nex Umbra
  • adelaide tells them abt. hi! the gods arent real!
  • crisis
  • gods speaking in your head instead of being silent is weird!
  • and also she found her dad yaaaaay. you know about Valane?
  • they get soup


  • he goes to meet with dvolta! who is being a wizard lord up in Fallencall
  • hes gonna make a school/sanctuary for summoners/reflections! :D yay!!!
  • dvolta offers to help him speak to Caelus
  • return to that convo later with questions (they totally did it and we dont know how to feel yet <3)


  • dragged Aurea Cuonda out of the ocean
  • Stone to Flesh
  • Give her her baby and 3k gold
  • if she seeks revenge in any way he'll kill her
  • she was working for the squid monsters and not an angel


  • many months later, adelaide finishes up the farmhouse
  • whoa indoor plumbing pog
  • Erasmus is like. ok where next! and shes like oh im gonna stay here actually :D
  • siobhan and carolyn watch over the farm for a little while
  • adelaide and her dad go on a road trip to bring back some life to netherrim


  • Vinry and Oaky (eidolon) are covered in dirt and undead goop and come running up to sinani bc hes been teaching them!
  • she goes i feel like im strong enough! i want to go explore on the other continent! :D
  • worry.png but ok! i will be here for you!
  • he takes her to retrieve the items he got early on
  • she may not be able to use them quite yet, but she will, and he believes in her
  • so much undead goopy hugs


  • sneaking back home from work bc he doesnt wanna kiss babies today
  • sunshine hasnt been seen today which is odd!
  • he gets home and caylon and grandpa are taking a nap
  • theres a bwoof at the door
  • sunshines there with 5 little babies!
  • vani is suddenly a father of 6???
  • ppl have left gifts for the puppies bc they helped bring them home :D
  • theyre being really respectful about his privacy
  • puppies get named after the party members (Addie, Volt, Sin, Sol, Vinny)


  • someone runs and grabs yivin, there was an emergency at the docks
  • by the time he gets there all the healers and druid apprentice got it under control!
  • he was so proud and happy
  • he sits all of them down and decides to go out into the world to help others bc they can now handle themselves!!
  • goes to talk to faun before he heads out
  • they have sad goodbyes but should both be able to travel while taking care of the little guys
  • switch off every once in a while so they can still have some freedom but still connecte to ppl
  • the kids try to make a banquet with totally no help at all
  • faun helped
  • we go to sleep
  • dvolta is there.
  • remember that recall that i set up? go do that. (we dont remember that but ok we will try!)
  • we show up in welterglow and dvolta is almost done w a teleport spell
  • hes like i got a surprise for you guys
  • we're like ok?? its dvolta so sneakcrets
  • teleport to a beach with pink sand
  • jungle with blue green leaves
  • flattened mountains in the distance
  • NOT avasoryd
  • dvolta lets us know that we're basically the first ppl simultaneously landing in the new world!
  • hes made potions so we can live longer? whoa
  • he couldve invited us to dinner but this is his equivalent so its ok
  • he does a magnificent mansion
  • itty bitty baby leafy dragon waddles out into sand like sea turtle
  • its where it is happy!! the jungle is the same color as its leaves
  • it imprints on yivin
  • we set up another recall so we can meet every year :')
  • THE END.
Report Date
20 Apr 2024