Anya Character in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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Avatar candidate of the Fire Nation.   Anya is the daughter of a Fire Isles general (her father, Senso) and senator (her mother, Kowareta)   Exceptionally smart and witty, Anya would love nothing more than to attend school and learn. However, Anya's father, a respected military leader of the Fire Isles, has forced Anya to forgo her studies and train in the arts of fire bending. Because Anya is a quick learner, she has easily been able to master many fire bending techniques. Senso has pushed Anya so hard in her training, she has mastered techniques far beyond her age. Anya is considered by many to be the greatest fire bending prodigy in possibly generations.   However, Anya feels like her training is all for naught since she never plans on following her father into the military. Neither does Anya wish to inherit her mother's life of being a senator in the Republic of the Fire Isles. In fact, Anya secretly resent her father's and mother's lifestyle since she feels her parents have become too prideful in their positions. Anya has a very empathetic heart and cannot fathom why her parents act superior than other people in the Fire Isles.
Current Location
Long, raven hair
Aligned Organization

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