Dian Character in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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Villian of Petals of the Lotus

Dian (a.k.a. The Witch)

Few know her true name. She is most commonly known as "The Witch"   Dian is the only known user of Wisp Bending, an extremely powerful and very spiritual form of bending.   Dian's appearance is ghostly, having wrapped her entire arms and face in bandages save for her eyes, which are a glowing, ghostly green. Dian's hands produce whispy green streaks of fog, a visual clue of her emmense bending power.   Underneath the bandages of Dian, large scars cover her skin due to her being afflicted with Spirit Sickness. Dian wraps herself in bandages in part to hide this affliction and also conceal her identity, although it is questionable if anyone could recognize who she once was even without the bandages.   Dian lives deep within The Great Swamp, rarely every emerging. However, she has mysteriously emerged to pursue the Avatar Candidates and stop them.  
Known to very few, Dian's immense power derives from her complete mastery of Spirit Bending. On top of Wisp Bending, Dian's mastery of Spirit Bending allows her to inspect the soul and spirit of all living things around her, which means that, in effect, she has telepathic powers.



Speaks telepathically in the mind of an individual. Her mouth does not move.
Ghostly, glowing green
Long, raven black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white

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