Dragons Species in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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The first fire benders in the world. Dragons have existed since the beginning of recorded history. The fire they breathe is almost as majestic as the dances they weave while flying through the sky.   Dragons are naturally shy creatures. They will only fight when provoked. However, their fury is great and terrible when provoked - you do not want to challenge a dragon head-on.   Dragons in the world of Petals of the Lotus are divided into two kinds: those which can speak (either verbally or telepathically) and those which cannot speak. Technically, dragons which can speak were once lesser spirits which manifested into physical forms long ago. Dragons which cannot speak are true animals not related to the spiritual world.   Sadly, nearly all speaking dragons have been driven to extinction by fire benders seeking glory among their peers. Animal dragons still roam freely in large numbers however since they reproduce abundantly and are less hunted than their speaking brethren.

Basic Information


Shy to humans. Opportunistic predator of smaller animals.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Scales and claws are highly valued as trophies and commodities

Average Intelligence

Speaking dragons are very intelligent
Animal dragons have average animal intelligence
800 Years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Every dragon has a unique pattern of scales
Geographic Distribution

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