Gan Character in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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Hero of the Great War

Avatar Gan

The previous Avatar and Hero of the Great War.   Avatar Gan's life was as legendary as they come. She effectively ended the three hundred year long conflict known as The Great War by either destroying or reforming the warring nations during her lifetime. Avatar Gan was seen as a hero by almost everyone around the world due to ending the war.   In order to ensure world peace after her death, Avatar Gan created a council of world leaders dedicated to maintaining peace in the world. She called this council The Order of the Lotus. Avatar Gan headed the Order for a time before finally relinquishing full control to the Order itself once she thought the world leaders were wise enough to maintain world peace.   Avatar Gan had one fatal flaw - she was too overconfident in her own creation, The Order of the Lotus. Avatar Gan believed the Order of the Lotus could and would maintain peace without the Avatar's help. As such, Avatar Gan never thought about the help that the next Avatar after her might need in the new world. Instead, Avatar Gan placed all responsibility of training the next Avatar on the Order of the Lotus.   Another problem was that Avatar Gan was so old when she died that she didn't even remember what her original base element was. So, the Order of the Lotus had to look for the next Avatar among all four major elements. Avatar Gan did not think this would be a major issue however since all nations should be able to work together to find the next Avatar thanks to the Order of the Lotus.   Alas, Avatar Gan did not take into account the corruption of the hearts of men when they attain secret knowledge and secret power...


Contacts & Relations



Friend (Important)

Towards Huraal




Friend (Important)

Towards Gan



Divine Classification
The Avatar
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hero of the Great War
Date of Birth
Date of Death
5917 BG
Place of Death
Ba Sing Se

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