High Earth King Rank/Title in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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High Earth King

Leader of the United Earth Kingdom

The highest position of political power in the United Earth Kingdom is the High Earth King. While the various kings of the United Earth Kingdom oversee their own cities, nation-states, and smaller kingdoms, the High Earth King oversees the United Earth Kingdom in its entirety.   The primary role of the High Earth King is to ensure peace and cooperation between the many nations and city-states of the United Earth Kingdom. Domestically, the High Earth King accomplishes this by being the mediator in all interactions and negotiations between the different rulers of the United Earth Kingdom. In foreign affairs, the High Earth King has the final say in all matters of trade and military action with/against foreign nations.


Must be a current sitting ruler of a significant nation or city-state in the Earth Kingdom.


Chosen by unanimous consent among the various rulers of the Earth Kingdom.


Ensure peace and the smooth movement of trade domestically. Oversee all matters of foreign affairs in the name of the United Earth Kingdom.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Unanimous vote for removal by the various rulers of the Earth Kingdom.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
High King
Alternative Naming
Ruler of the United Earth Kingdom
Source of Authority
The Various Rulers of the Earth Kingdom
Length of Term
Related Organizations

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