Rebirth in Blood Tradition / Ritual in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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Rebirth in Blood

Rite of the Blood Tribe

The "Rebirth in Blood" is a Blood Tribe ritual used to formally initialize acolyte blood-benders into the Blood Tribe.   In order to be eligible for the ritual, a potential blood bender must train to the level of "acolyte." The ritual is typically performed in front of a large bowl of water with all tribal members present. The ritual itself entails an Elder (preferably a relative of the acolyte) sprinkling the blood of a dead animal onto the forehead of the acolyte. Then, the acolyte must dunk their head into a bowl of water and quickly take it out. The acolyte must not touch their head or face during the entire process.   If there is still blood on the acolyte's forehead after washing it with water, then the acolyte is considered "reborn in blood" and becomes a full member of the Blood Tribe. The acolyte will then continue their training until they are considered a "master."   If there is no blood on the acolyte's head after the washing, then the acolyte is considered "reborn" but not "reborn in blood." This means that the acolyte must cease their blood-bending training and remain at the acolyte level for their entire life. If the acolyte accepts this judgement, then they will become a full member of the Blood Tribe.   However, if the acolyte rejects this judgement for whatever reason, the acolyte cannot be granted full membership in the tribe. The acolyte can choose to perform the ritual again in hopes of a different result a maximum of 3 times, granted there is a buffer time of 3 months between each ritual. If the acolyte still rejects the judgement after the fourth ritual, they will be "honorably banished" from the blood tribe, meaning that the acolyte has voluntarily chosen to leave the Blood Tribes forever. The acolyte may safely thereafter pass through the land of The Blood Tribes unharmed, but they will never be welcomed as a member of the Blood Tribes.

Components and tools

Ceremonial Water Bowl
Blood of Dead Animal


Entire Blood Tribe


Night, during height of moon (midnight)
Primary Related Location
Important Locations
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