The Blood Tribes Organization in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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The Blood Tribes

The tribes of the Greater Northwestern Forest.   Made up of almost entirely blood-benders, the peoples of The Blood Tribes are extremely spiritual. In fact, they practice an almost entirely different religion than most others in the world. The Tribes are mainly defined by their rituals, which are considered very mysterious and scrupulous to outsiders.   Contrary to first assumption, The Blood Tribes are a very peaceful people. In fact, the "warrior culture" mindset is greatly looked down upon by The Blood Tribes.   The Blood Benders of The Blood Tribes rarely use their Blood Bending. When they do practice their Blood Bending, it's mainly on animals. But, if they do practice Blood Bending on humans, it is usually for ritualistic purposes only. Still, one does not want to face a Blood Bender in a fight...


Made up of multiple tribes. All tribes have a chief, either hereditary or elected based on the will of each tribe. There is no hierarchical chief over all tribes.


Their culture is defined almost entirely by their tribal rituals and devotion to Blood Bending. They are extremely spiritual and believe the spirits are actively working in their lives and the world.

Public Agenda

Live a peaceful life segregated from the rest of the world. Most Blood Benders in the Blood Tribes do not wish to harm others but merely practice their ways in isolation and peace.

Born with Water. Reborn in Blood.

Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
The Blood Peoples
Of the Blood Tribes
Government System
Parent Organization
Related Traditions
Related Professions
Controlled Territories

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