The Bending War Military Conflict in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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The Bending War

Larger Context

The first large scale war between benders of various nations, The Bending War and its consequences would be felt all the way to the time of ATLA and LoK. Most notably, this war was the catalyst for the rise of the Earth Peoples as a distinct people group and the establishment of the Earth Nation.   The war was between the Sun Empire, the Water Empire, and the precoursers to the Earth Peoples.  

In Universe Context

Occurring around 7,700 BG, the more intricate knowledge of The Bending War and its immediate context have been lost by the time of Petals of the Lotus. However, a few of the most important events of the war are still widely known, though the exact dates are not. Most famously, The Water Treaty was written during the middle of the war, sending the Water Nation empire into seclusion on the North and South Poles, where they reside to the time of ATLA.

The Conflict


After years of oppression under the Sun Empire and lack of agency under the Water Nation, peoples of the earth mainland form an alliance and decide to rebel against the two empires.


Earth Mainland Becomes Independent.
Water Nation Pushed to Poles.
Sun Empire Destroyed.

Historical Significance

In Literature

"The Bending War has all but been forgotten by the masses of today. However, no other war (besides The Great War) has influenced the current affairs of the nations in a greater way than this war. The banishment of the Sun Nation and Water Nation empires off the Earth Mainland gave way for the rapid rise to power of the Earth Peoples and the Earth Kingdoms of today."
  • History of the World by The Secret College
  • Conflict Type
    Battlefield Type
    Start Date
    Circa 7,700 BG
    Ending Date
    Circa 7,700 BG
    Conflict Result
    Earth Mainland Rebels Secure Independence

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    Sun Empire

    Led by


    Well-Trained Warriors


    Catastrophic, ~90%


    Put down earth mainland rebellion
    Water Nation

    Led by


    Naval Strength


    Low, ~10%


    Put down earth mainland rebellion
    Earth Mainland Rebels

    Led by


    Sheer Numbers
    Guerrilla Tactics


    High, ~35%


    Gain independence from Sun Empire and Water Nation empires.


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