Aelar Del Liadon

Aelar Del Liadon

A creature of the Forest, Aelar is more comfortable with trees than with other denizens of the world. This does not stop him from functioning gracefully in society, (He was born to high elf society) but when looking, one can tell that he is always a little more like a tree than say a human.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender build, lithe and supple, like a young willow along the bank of a river.

Facial Features

Hairless and smooth skinned, gentle smile lines at the corners of eyes and mouth.

Identifying Characteristics

Tall for a wood elf.

Physical quirks

When really tired his gate tends to drag his right leg at an odd angle as if his hip is turned outwards slightly more than it should be.

Apparel & Accessories

Simple clothes of earth and forest colours. Soft ties and gentle folds.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aelar was born Del Liadon a high Elf right after the Cataclysm. He broke with his parents and other High Elves on the day he chose his adult name and went into seclusion in the forests of Tal Athal. Now styled as a wood Elf of Moros, he has been wandering through the southern portion of the continent looking for points on the continent that would guide him towards a ruin that was referenced at the ruins he spent time with in seclusion in the forest of Tal Athal.   He has arrived in ironfalls not knowing really where other elves including his relatives are. He wonders if he should join the other Morosi Elves, but feels that if he can find this ruin, that he will be able to help his people, and in fact possibly, all of Avelloc.

Gender Identity

Weakly identifies as male. Rarely understands over gendered positions of others.


Prefers the company of females, but would not rule out other genders, providing that they are aligned in other ways.


Informal, but in depth. You will not find many who have read as widely on all matters elven or druidic.


No thank you, one must be free to explore and live with the known and unknown world.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Hermit Discovery - Have discovered something in the old world that has great import during the 150 years of time spent in solitude away from all sentient beings.

Failures & Embarrassments

Always a little sad that one cant simply just know everything.

Mental Trauma

Spent 150 years in seclution from all other sentient beings, standing watch at an ancient site before Avelloc. This has resulted in what he views more as a mental change as opposed to a trauma. Others might disagree on the effect, depending on their world outlooks.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tends to overthink things sometimes.

Morality & Philosophy

All things should be allowed a chance to flourish in their time. A little more Kierkegaardian than Nietche.


Will not wear any metal. Will not cause permanent damage to trees wherever possible. Will not cause the balance of nature to be out of harmony. Life and Death are both ok, but too much of one or the other is not a good thing.

Personality Characteristics


To find order through chaos.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very good with herbs and medicines that involve using nature to assist the body in curing itself. Not very good at killing non sentient beings that are not harming himself or his companions, even if it would be a simpler solution to a problem.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes knowledge of all things new and old. Likes real genuine companionship. Dislikes deliberate ignorance. Dislikes self / race aggrandizement.

Virtues & Personality perks

Will help a worthy cause with no ask for remuneration, will take money if offered, but not really interested in huge personal wealth.

Vices & Personality flaws

Good food.

Personality Quirks

Sometimes gets lost (on purpose) in a forest or small garden, forgetting that others are waiting for him.




Contacts & Relations

Druidic Circle - more detail to be provided if Aelar lives to become a level 2 adventurer.

Family Ties

Many, and none.

Religious Views

All gods exist. They are as fallible as other creatures. They should be extended the same grace as others for these foibles. One should ask for help only if one can not be the help. Respect for all.

Social Aptitude

Aelar's quiet grace serves him well in social settings. He prefers to be in the background observing. From this observation however he can be a great negotiator, always sueing for diplomatic and peaceful negotiations and resolution to problems before violence.


Meticulous in placement of self in relation to environment. Deliberate and sure in movement.

Hobbies & Pets

Reading, all things.


Soft and simple yet elegant.

Wealth & Financial state

65 Gold Pieces A beautiful willow crown, his Druidic Focus, made for him by three generations of his ancestors.

A quiet and graceful Sy'Tel Quessir, taller than average, with Green copper flecked eyes, tanned skin, and Shining Metalic Copper Hair

View Character Profile
Soft Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
One secret title.
250 Years Old
Date of Birth
50 Years Before Cataclysm
The Forest of Ellyr on Moros
Current Residence
Green with Copper Flecks
Metallic Copper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 Ft
140 Lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Let it be.
Known Languages
True Tounge, Common, Druidic, and Draconic.


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