Kau Empire Organization in Avendora | World Anvil

Kau Empire

The Kau Empire is considered to be an ancient one, mainly staying out of all the other nations’ wars and affairs, choosing instead to explore the galaxy and perform their myriad of experiments. One such excursion led to Sol III, when several humans were abducted for experimentation. This human DNA was spliced with that of their own race, creating a new race that, while mentally inferior, possessed far greater physical strength, endurance, and unexpectedly, aggression and brutality. Unbeknownst to the Kau, this was the creation that would eventually lead to their downfall.


A species of the Kau Empire’s own production through genetic splicing, the Minotaurs, had been enslaved for years due to their far superior strength making them better suited for physical labor. The Minotaurs began to reproduce at a much faster rate than anticipated, and the Kau tried to exterminate them, but it was too late. Over the course of a few years the Minotaur rebellion grew, spreading throughout the Kau Empire until it culminated in the year 315 when the Minotaurs took the Kau capital. They then began a genocide of the Kau race, keeping only a select few around to act as slaves and to help them create new technology.

1350 EWR - 315 ASD

Geopolitical, Empire
Successor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Related Species


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