Magnatubes Technology / Science in Avendora | World Anvil

Magnatubes (May-g-nuh-too-bs)

Overview: Magnatubes are the most common mode of transportation across Saurian territory, being seen predominantly in large cities but also connecting smaller settlements and towns in lesser numbers. Using vacuum and Void technology, Magnatube transports can travel at speed in excess of 500 times the speed of sound, excelerating and decelerating from full speed almost instantly with no negative reproductions due to the use of inbuilt Inertia Dampeners.   The tubes themselves often run underground, or when this is either impossible or there is no more room, are arrayed in cosmetic patterns and groupingings through the air and twisting around buildings. The diameter of the tubes and corresponding transport size also varies greatly, but the most common size is a 25' tube diameter. Tranposrts are spherical in exterior shape to allow for any angle of movement through the tubes, with insides of widely varying design depending on the owner. Public transports often have a few seats lining the walls with pole and bars arrayed in the interior for passengers to take hold of. Private transports, especially high end ones, are far more lavish with luxury seats, entertainment centers, statues, works of art, and security measures. Some have even been known to contain things such as small aquariums or zoos or gardens. In addition, the tubes emit a constant low pitched pulsating hum due to the incredibly high amounts of energy running through them. This sound has become synonymous for many with the sounds of the Saurian metropolis.   Accidents and Malcutions: While exceedingly rare due to many layers of redundant safeguards, accidents and malfunctions due still occasionally occur. The most common issue to come up is a leak or breach of some kind in the Magnatube wall itself, weather that be caused by mechanical failure from excessive use and not enough maintenance, or by sabotage. Typically this is caught very quickly and remedied before serious harm can be caused, although it may result in the tube loosing pressure or a breakage of the energy field within, resulting in any transports within becoming stationary. The tube must be shut down until the hole is patched or the section replaced. The two other malfunctions are far more dangerous. First, the onboard Inertia Dampeners could fail, resulting in the occupants being turned into liquid almost instantly upon either launch or stopping. To make this even less likely than it already is, each transport has a mandated redundancy of 3 Inertia Dampeners on board, with many higher end transports having even more than that. Last, transports will somtimes malfunction and phase shift into one another. This is the most rare as in addition to redundant safety phasing protocols, transports are programmed to avoid stopping within each other whenever possible. When a transport does phase shift into another, anything and on one within are instantly fused with each other on a molecular level. This of course perminatly disables both tranpsorts in addition to resulting in the bloodless yet nevertheless exceedingly grotesque death of any occupants. There have been a few cases of individuals surviving being fused and being seperated by complex surgery later, but this is even rarer than the phase shifting accidents themselves. If a phase shift malfunction occurs in two seperate transports simultaneously while they are actively traveling through a tube and they collide with each other, quite a large explosion is prone to occur and the entire line promptly being shutdown until it can be replaced. This has happened less than a half-dozen times in recorded history due to the extreme odds of a double failure of all transport safety measures, but all events have been great tragedies remembered by all that witnessed them.


These tubes are the most common form of transportation in almost every Saurian metropolis and even many smaller cities. While public transports are made avalaibe as private ones are quite expensive, many purchase their own personal transports and customize their interiors as they see fit. These private transports are typically stored underground or in storage depots suspended in the air.
Parent Technologies
Magnatubes are made of reinforced metal and lined on the inside with special conductors that produce an energy field to contain the Void forces within. In addition, magnetic coils allow for the movement of transports within without making contact with any physical surface causing friction. This allows for extremely high speed to be reached. In addition, Void technology is used to phase shift each individual transport in the Magnatubes, allowing for transports to pass through each other harmlessly on their way to their destinations. Safety measures are in place to prevent transports from returning to a fully physical state within each other, which on the extremely rare occasion this does occur, is quite grotesque, fusing everything and everyone perminatly together. Magnatube transports not actively being used are kept in storage areas usually underground where they can be rapidly called up for use upon the owner's command, right to the nearest Magnatube boarding station, of which there are many (typically at least one for every building if not complex). Nearly instant stops and acceleration to full speed are accomplished without killing the passengers through the use of inbuilt Inertia Dampeners.
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