Solar Forge Vehicle in Avendora | World Anvil

Solar Forge

These structures, as their name would suggest, are forge/factories that orbit various stars very closely, sometimes only a few hundred feet from the surface. There is even a specialized variant of the Solar Forge that actually enters the sun itself, moving into the blazing ball to make use of the unimaginable temperatures there. Structurally, Solar Forges vary greatly in appearance, but typically have a central structure with several, sometimes many, secondary buildings connected via scaffolding and passageways. Usually any exposed external surface is coated with or composed entirely of Kordoa due to it’s extremely high melting point and heat resistant properties. If they were made of steel or Davantium they would be quickly liquified. Due to every square inch of exposed surface needing to be complete obfuscated by Kordoa, thrusters or other traditional means of propulsion are impossible. Instead, Solar Forges are equipped with wormhole generators that are capable of creating a wormhole to the desired location using heat and energy absorbing from their star and then moving the forge into the opening, effectively teleporting the forge away where its materials can then be collected, crew replaced, supplies replenished, etc.
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