Cloudtop Temple Settlement in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Cloudtop Temple

"This is the famed monastery of the now dead god of Waukeen. I was astounded to find a religious monastery that served as a bank and enforcer of property rights. Back then, I had thought their pursuits to be lacking in the moral purity I was expecting to find. When I traveled there myself, I was pleased to meet a human child of six years old. She told me that she wasn't safe where she came from and the monks keep her safe from people who would hurt her. It was then I understood where the purity of intention was that fueled them to perfect their martial fighting styles. The need to protect that which is precious to us. It need not matter if it is coin or child, there is a sacred promise made when you swear to protect something." - from the journals of Old Jass 
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