Four Moon Mercenaries Organization in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Four Moon Mercenaries

"There is steeped history in the Four Moon Mercenaries. One that goes back to the Age of Darkness  and the bravery of their Halfling descendants in those days. Today, they fight for coin and damn what side of right and wrong they come down on. It's a for cry from the noble days of war." - from the journals of Old Jass


The Four Moon Mercenaries are favoured by Dromish wizards as they are highly trained and specially outfitted to battle mages. The Knights of the Golden Order faced off against a squad of Four Moon Mercenaries during their raiding of Tower Graysong. That particular group was led by Goliath who was killed in the battle by Danithal Titanothos.   The Knights of the Golden Order encountered Four Moon Mercenaries again in the Stone Garden, protecting agents of the Butterfly King Acquisitions Co., Iacopo Salvi and Tessa Bendecca.
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