Medusa Counsel Organization in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Medusa Counsel

"Ostensibly, this organization exists to promote the unified learning of mages across Estoria. Though more and more their members are discovered subverting the good governance of magic and ritual. There is a darkness at their heart, of that you can be sure." - from the journals of Old Jass


The Medusa counsel is without a proper hierarchy. Though, more powerful members will coerce and force allegiances from the others.


The Medusa Counsel possesses Tower Graysong for their own purposes. The tower was once owned by Duer Graysong and upon his disappearance the Graysong family had taken it, though they could not hope to discover its arcane secrets. Upon the mysterious death of the final Graysong heir, the tower was acquired by a Portsman called Dagfinn Spellblight.

By any means necessary...

Secret, Occult
Training Level
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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