Unexical Plexus Geographic Location in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Unexical Plexus

This is a bizarre portal system which connects four locations together in space. To the observer, each portal looks as if a 10' square section of their current environment has been replaced by each of the portals existing location. For example, if you were on the deck of the Nemezhat then you would see a 10' patch of forest from the Ezmorteemia terminus in the Everwood. You would also see a 10' square of blood-soaked stone dungeon ground from the Babadukian Temple terminus. Or, there would be a smooth metal tunnel from which a harmonious, resonating hum can be heard, this being the Sword-like Tower Terminus.     When you stepped into any other area, your surroundings would change to reflect your new location. Of course, nearby the other three locations would manifest similarly in 10' square patches.     Since the Nemezhat is a sentient, flying Ilithid ship there are some interesting considerations to be made when one end of the Unexical Plexus is not in a fixed place.     Also, some may have noticed that when the Unexical Plexus was first cast it created terminus which were all in sync with the current time, except for the path to Ezmorteemia in which events were taking place from five days in the future. Individuals traveled back and forth through the portal during the fight and there were no time related anaomolies detected. This means that, at least during the Kruu Civil War  that the portal was not only in a fixed place but also a fixed relative time.     During subsequent trips through the portal to or from Ezmorteemia did not include a shift in time. It's not currently known if the time shift was a one-time occurance, perhaps attributed to the recency of the spell's casting, or if portals can shift throughout time of their volition.   from the journal of Old Jass 
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