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Session 2 - One Room at a Time

General Summary

  • Session opens up with Mako, Red, and Ultiss in the Bathhouse, waiting for the rest of the group to return.
  • Mako apologizes for the way the group had treated the Tiefling and hopes that he can make it up to him. He offers that he will have his back in further disagreements.
  • Mako relates to being an odd species among many Humans and Elves.
  • Mako also takes an interest in how Red's magic works, the magic of Artificers, and begins to take notes on her methods...possibly to pick up on a few tricks of his own.
  • As the rest of the group arrives back from curing Bry and Nimh of their poison, they venture back down into the depths of the dungeon of the The Dead Three
  • Keeping an eye on Ultiss as they travel through the rooms, the group cautiously makes their way further in.
  • The group runs into two enemies who have tied someone up on the wall, above an altar, and have been torturing him.
  • Without hestitation (And stealth), the group moves in to try and take out the enemies before them.
  • After a long and tiring battle, the two enemies are slain...but the group also has to deal with two magical swords that just won't stay down.
  • Eventually, the group is able to end the battle, thanks to Mako's Bag of Devouring.
  • The group cuts down the individual that was tied above the altar, and he reveals himself to be Klim Jhasso, a noble who was kidnapped in the Lower City two days prior.
  • The group was a bit suspicious of Klim, as they are with most new comers, and they are pretty beat up.
  • They decide it to be wise to rest up before continuing through the rooms before them, and they repeat the process that worked the night before. Mako, Red, and Ultiss stay back at the Bathouse, while the rest of the group rest on the Uncivil Serpent - Pirate Ship .
  • The group at the boat decide to chain up Klim in the brig, until further information is gathered on his situation.
  • Ultiss shares with Mako and Red that he was unable to move during the events of the day, he had some magical presence paralyzing him throughout most of the battle...However, it went away around the time the group removed Klim from them room.
  • Ultiss seems to suspect something is up with Klim, and Mako and Red tend to agree.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
26 May 2021

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