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Village of Bilgewater

Small village of less than 100 people nestled on the northern coast of Geyrvohn. the majority of the residents fish the waters of the Razorwave Ocean.   Recently, Wraith and a number of his allies were staying here. They captured an airship and brought some kidnapped manatechnicians to fix it. Before the party could arrive, they all boarded the airship and flew south.   Outside the village, the party was confronted by some mercenaries, seemingly led by a member of the Rangers. Shadows attacked them while they were resting in town and Gordar, the village reeve, seems to be behind the attack. The party suspects he is allied with Wraith and the Cult of the Dark King and they found evidence of dark magic being done under his home. At least one more villager (Dorlan Moss) was part of the cult and tried to burn down the reeve's house while the party was inside. Trevor killed the man.


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