Celestial Metal Material in Awldor | World Anvil
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Celestial Metal


  Celestial Metal appears as a black surface with bright specks scattered throughout. It is almost like a reflection of the starry night sky. The physical appearance of this metal is what led some to give it the name "Celestial Metal." Beyond that, some believe that the metal may actually be a piece of the celestial world that has fallen to the material world. Others do not agree with that idea.


Physical & Chemical Properties

It appears to be highly resilient to erosion and damage. The Ekla Pentagon seems to be entirely made of the material and yet it seems to have eroded very little throughout the millennia of its existence.

Origin & Source

The Ekla Pentagon is the only known instance of the existence of this metal. Due to its resilient properties, no fragment has been extracted from the structure.   Attempts to replicate it have failed.

Black with specks

Note(s) from the Archivists:

  So... anyone found the hole in the sky yet? - Archivist Edward   I don't think it's actually a piece of the night sky. - Archivist Theta    I know. Then again, are we so sure? - Archivist Edward   Pretty sure I'd have noticed a hole in the sky with how often I've stared at it. - Archivist Enna

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