The Ekla Pentagon Building / Landmark in Awldor | World Anvil
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The Ekla Pentagon

Whoever made this sure loved the night sky if they wanted to replicate it here on the ground.
— Phidi Strideheart, Traveler


  The Ekla Pentagon is an enormous pentagonal structure located in The Verdant Archipelago. It is name Ruined Ancient City of Ekla where it was found. Its impressive although strange construction has made it one of the the most impressive ancient structures in the archipelago.   Runes engraved into the structure's sides confirm that it is one of the Seven Ruined Wonders since they are a perfect match for those discovered on The Silent Pyramid and the The Xeo Pyramid. It is curious that the Ekla Pentagon is not a pyramid and the other two are. Perhaps future examinations of these structures will reveal why this is the case.

A Polyhedron?

  The Ekla Pentagon's sloping sides gives the impression that this was once a fortress. Sloped walls However, too many aspects of it suggest that this wasn't the case. It could be that more of the structure lies underneath the surface streets of the ruined city. It's true form could be that of a dodecahedron. The true shape of the structure will be difficult to confirm as no traveler has been able to find an unblocked entrance to the ancient city's subsurface levels. Attempts were made by Anton Walker's expedition to dig into the street, but a variety of unusually metal constructs impeded progress. If the Ekla Pentagon's true shape is that of a dodecahedron then it will be much larger and stranger than it currently seems.   The pentagon's location at the exact center of the ruined city of Ekla City implies that the city was built with the structure at its center. The five main streets leading to the structure provide additional evidence that this is the case. It is curious that nothing was built on top of the pentagon. According to records of its first known discovery, there was no detritus of any kind found on its immaculate surface. An unusual occurrence considering that detritus is very much a common sight of any ruined ancient site.   The building's of Ekla city were built some distance away from the pentagon, effectively making the pentagon's surrounding location a large pentagonal city square.

A piece of the night sky that is down to earth. What a strange sight.
— Anton Walker, Traveler

Celestial Metal

  Viewing the Ekla Pentagon from a distance, one could be forgiven for thinking it was a portal to the celestial realm. Upon closer inspection, one would soon realize that the structure is a solid piece of metal. The metal itself has an unusual appearance, it is as dark as the night sky punctuated by points of light. These points of light are really flakes in the metal that catch and reflect any light in the surrounding area. There is no record of anything else like this in Awldor.   The current accepted name of this material is "Celestial Metal."


Immaculate Condition

  The starry surface of the pentagon remains clean today despite the many long years of calamity and entropy. It is a curiosity to find metal so resilient. The immaculate condition of the Ekla Pentagon's surfaces has led to some confusion as to its true age. Initially, many believed that it was a recent construction.   However, the construction of the city around the pentagon implies that it is as old as the The Ancient Order at least. How it survived all this time without significant erosion to its surfaces is a mystery. The answer to that mystery could revolutionize the way people make things.

Ruined City of Ekla

  This site is unusual compared to other ruined cities found in the world. It is of megalithic construction. Perhaps the city predates any Ancient Order city, though this has yet to gain widespread acceptance among scholars.   If Ekla City is older than any Ancient Order construction, then there are impressive implications for the history of civilization in Awldor. Civilization could be far older than currently accepted, and that each incarnation of civilization ultimately collapses in a futile cycle.  

World wonder
Parent Location

The Seven Ruined Wonders

  • Ma Pyramid
  • Kuboa Monument
  • Ekla Pentagon
  • Elemen Triangle

Vivid Stars and Clear Skies

  All who have been around the Ekla Pentagon at night have reported that the stars above the structure shine with greater clarity than usual. They could make out more stars as well.   Perhaps the Ekla Pentagon was constructed as an astrological site and that some magic was placed upon it to clear the night sky. That assumes that the magics weren't embedded into the structure during the The Great Collapse.   Closer examination of expedition notes reveals another curiosity. The sky above the structure is clear at all times during the day.    

Midnight Chimes

  Yet another curiosity of the Ekla Pentagon is a soft chiming that can be heard emanating from the structure around midnight. It does not make this sound at any other time.   Members of Anton's Expedition to the structure recall a feeling an unusual sense of peace when the chiming begins, and a sense of loss when it ends.  

Note(s) from the Archivists:

  Why are these structures called ruined wonders? They're still intact. - Archivist Edward   Good question. - Archivist Savitri   I don't have an answer for either of you. Not yet. - Archivist Taenya

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