Modrá Forest Geographic Location in Awldor | World Anvil
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Modrá Forest

It wasn't a sea that I saw several leagues back, it was a forest. A forest of shimmering blue. Standing at its very edge now, I think it might be trying to talk to me. Strange. - Artur Neha, Traveler


  The Modrá Forest is distinctive in that it is one of the only forests in Quassus to have trees with blue leaves. Other trees in this forest appear greenish-blue. Modra lies on the outskirts of the Silver City of Luna.


Blue and Glowing

During the day, these plants appear much like any other with the exception of the blue color of their leaves. During the night, these plants give off a faint glow that help to illuminate the surrounding landscape. Some travelers recall a faint sound that was like music, and that it must have been coming from the blue plants.


Strange Clouded Ponds

Those who have traveled Modra have seen several ponds with cloudy water. One could easily mistake the clouds in the water as a reflection of the sky. However, these ponds are often overshadowed by the dense foliage of Modra's trees making such reflections an impossibility. The clouds themselves, upon further inspection, appear as if they were formed by tiny ice crystals. These ponds are fed by brooks running from the Bleu Massif. Drinking from these ponds do not appear to cause any adverse affects to the drinker (yes, someone tried it).   Investigations of the water has revealed that the cloudiness is not caused by disturbed sediment or any detectable living matter. It is highly likely that this is some benign magical effect imparted to the waters of the forest by the The Great Collapse, and it may even be the reason for the blue foliage of Modra Forest.   Investigations as to the source of the water have revealed that they originate from caves within the Silver Mountain, but the water there is not clouded.

Have you ever walk alone among trees without feeling alone? If you haven't, then take a walk through Modra Forest someday. - Folmar Shajor, Ornithologists

A Will of its Own

Those who travel the Modra forest tell the same story, that it has a will of its own. Every tree and every critter appear to share some kind of link to the will of the forest. Sometimes this will is benevolent, and at other times it is malevolent. There is no discernible pattern to these apparent mood swings, though research is ongoing. For now, it is recommended that if one must traverse the Modra Forest then they must do so quickly and with little disruption.   The Anestri'for is said to have a similar phenomena.

All artwork is by starfarertheta unless otherwise stated.
Alternative Name(s)
Luna's Nightlights
Owning Organization

Common Modra Flora

  • Bluewood
  • Moonwood
  • Azul Fern
  • Bleu Apple
  • Blue Cherry
  • Blau Vine


Common Modra Fauna

  • Beaver
  • Moose
  • Flying Squirrel
  • Boar
  • Turkey
  • Rat
  • Bleu Eagle
  • Blue Jay

Typical Magic Fields

(ranked in order of occurrence)
  • Freezing
  • Petrification
  • Aqua

Note(s) from the Archivists:

  Is it a sad forest? - Archivist Edward   Very funny. And no. - Archivist Savitri

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