The Codex of the Eternal Flame


The Codex of the Eternal Flame is an ancient and enigmatic book, purportedly written by the exiled Goddess of Fire, Vulkarna. This legendary tome is shrouded in mystery and controversy, with its existence and content the subject of much debate. The Codex is believe to contain the teachings and wisdom of Vulkarna, offering insights into her power and gifts.  


Vulkarna was the goddess of fire, at the creation of Axora. Following the Primordial Uprising, Vulkarna was exiled from the pantheon. Her teachings and worship were banned, and Karf, the god of crafting assumed her duties. As such, anyone seeking knowledge surrounding Vulkarna are shut down at every possible juncture. Since the Knowledge Purge prior to the Age of Discovery removed essentially every scrap of information that occurred in the Age of the Primordial and the Age of Darkness, it is unknown if Vulkarna's teaching were removed from existence upon her banishment of as part of that great event.  


According to legend, the Codex is a beautifully bound tome with covers made of an unknown metal that shimmers like molten lava. The pages are rumoured to be impervious to fire and inscribed with glowing runes that shift and flicker like flames. The book is said to contain rituals and spells related to fire magic, and profound wisdom on the dual nature of fire, as in both its capacity for creation and destructon, and how that can be harnessed by mortals.  


As with all myths, there are those that try to prove them to be true. Research into elemental magic is strictly monitored, and fire magic most restricted of all. Over the years, many a rumour as to its location have been proferred by bards, scholars and adventurers alike. Pockets of elemental worshippers still exist, mostly in secret, but only man has ever claimed to have seen and read the Codex: Entaba Melilo, the Voice of Vulkarna. Whether or not he was telling the truth is also a subject of much debate, but his claim gave credence to his moniker as the "Voice of Vulkarna", if he did indeed read her teaching straight from the source. No one knows who his pact was truly made with, so it is not outside the realms of possibility that somewhat Vulkarna managed to influence him and direct him to the true Codex.
Manuscript, Religious

Cover image: by Midjjourney


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