The Spire of Serenity


Located in the Ward of Irallien that bears its name (The Spire Ward), the Spire of Serenity is a tower dedicated to facilitating the citizens' meditative needs. No matter how you find your inner peace, the Spire likely has a room for you.  


The Spire itself is a tall tower made from various pale and white-coloured stone materials, like the rest of Irallien. It is the second tallest building in Irallien, behind the Cathair el'Orthai (The Monarch's Palace). However, it is technically the tallest functional structure, as the spires and highest excesses of the Palace are merely decorative. The Spire of Serenity is entirely functional from top to bottom. Accompanying the Spire, is a beautiful tranquil garden at its base. Filled with mostly jasmine, lavender, and other soothing flowers, the garden is another facet to the Spire's calming options, providing (short) paths to wander on, and benchs to rest on. Surrounding the tower and its gardens is a high wall to help block out the sounds of the hustle and bustle of the city beyond (the little hustle and bustle the capital of the High Elves generates, at least).  


The Spire of Serenity contains floors and rooms dedicated to various manners in which one may achieve their meditation. The Spire contains:
  • A library for a quiet reading session.
  • Dark rooms of complete darkness, and silence for complete sensory deprivation.
  • Both pure white and neutral grey version of the dark rooms.
  • Submersion tanks.
  • "Stream" rooms for those that just wish to dip their toe in.
  • Ambience rooms, providing the feel and soundscape of locales such as coastal, on the high seas, forest and underground.
  • Sauna.


The Spire has existed for as long as Irallien has, which is before records began. So no-one knows its architect or, indeed, if it ever had another purpose. Over the centuries, the rooms have altered, providing the variety seen today.
Parent Location

Cover image: by Midjourney


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