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The Falkaron Empire of the Elves

Era beginning/end


This era is the better-known one, thanks to both the number of standing ruins, but also to the use of their relics in all kinds of manners, such as warfare, medicine, or even everyday use. The Falkaron Empire of the Elves was also known as the Magic Empire due to the omnipresence of magic. Every citizen was either able to manipulate magic or had enough magic items to compensate for it. Sadly, this empire didn't bother studying history, leading both to the destruction of many important ruins to make place for new structures as well as to the very destruction of this civilisation: A pandemy surged from the remains of a haphazardly demolished tomb from the first civilisation and the surrounding countries took this opportunity to destroy the weakened state. It stood approximately between 900 and 400 years ago.
It is to be noted that it is the first known era whose end didn't include the total annihilation of all sapient species.

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