Dekabura's Sword

During the war between Med'Hea and Hskaner, Goddess Dekabura took the hska side and opposed the Green Witch. She forged a blade from fallen hska metal and fiercely protected the armoured lights. A hska Iknoyo became the goddess’s close companion, and the two constantly watched each other's backs. Yet Med’Hea’s forces overwhelmed the hskaner, killing most and forcing survivors to flee under the ocean's depths.

Iknoyo fought until their armour shattered and the light seeped through the cracks. Desperate to save her friend, Dekabura held Iknoyo’s flickering soul and placed it on her blade. The hska merged with the sword and stayed by their friend’s side.

Following Dekabura’s disappearance, the sword became sacred to Bahhrayms. For centuries, they kept it safe in Amaarion. After the Rain of Amaars / Deaf Fall, bahhrayms took the blade to the Nine Skies, a nine-layered mountain system on the northern continent of Hayanao.


Dekabura’s blade is a double-edged, single-handed sword with a short-winged guard. Its grip is deep turquoise, tipped with golden pommel, while its turquoise and magenta scabbard is adorned with golden ornaments.

Dekabura’s blade has passed down to the Nine Skies’ empresses. Iknoyo wishes to be free of bloodshed, finding solace in the Ninth Sky’s palace and listening to bahhrayms’ songful prayers. Unsheathing the blade is deemed disrespectful to the goddess. Those who dared were swiftly smitten by the weapon and met a dire fate.

The Perpetrator

One day, Sugiramun barged into the temple, snatched Dekabura’s sword and fled the palace. His touch appalled Iknoyo, sending shivers down their soul. The hska sensed Amaar's presence inside the bahhraym man and hoped Empress Keiko's soldiers would cut down the perpetrator. Yet the man stood toe to toe with her most skilled warriors. Just as Keiko charged forth, Sugiramun clutched the sword.

“Stop at once!”

Desperate, Sugiramun didn’t heed the weapon’s warning and started unsheathing it.

“Get your filthy hands off me!’’

Screeched the blade and tore Sugiramun’s right arm off. Iknoyo felt at ease in Keiko’s hands as she returned the sword back to the palace.

Cover image: by Nincho


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Feb 8, 2024 21:33

Sugi really thought he was gonna have a cool moment there. That's still my favorite part about the sword's lore.  

"Sug on these—"
"D'awww... 'Sug on these' is never gonna be a thing, is it?"

Feb 8, 2024 21:37

Haha yeah. Tbf Sugi did kill 101 people so that's impressive at least!

Feb 9, 2024 22:14 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

RIP Sugiramun's arm.   I love sentient swords.

Feb 9, 2024 22:50

Torn and obliterated. Rip.   Writing from Iknoyo's point of view was fun.

Feb 22, 2024 15:28

Nice story at the beginning and surprising dark ending.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Feb 22, 2024 16:14

Thank you!   If only Sugiramun listened to Iknoyo.

Apr 20, 2024 01:25 by Aster Blackwell

I love sentient weapons and I'm especially enamored with the irony of a sword that despises violence! Plus the art is absolutely beautiful as always.

Apr 20, 2024 19:02

Thank you! Iknoyo is a tired, tired fella.