Mountain Encounter

When a black-tailed asteroid fell in the Nine Skies, Empress Keiko sent soldiers to investigate the area. But none came back. Chiraki sightings soon spread through the mountains. Many considered the idea ridiculous, until a tsukaite enforcer killed one of the monsters. Keiko dispatched several tsukaites and when neither returned, she forbade anyone to enter the impact region.

For several years no one dared pass through the crater perimeters. Seeking the heart of Keiko’s sister, Saeko, low noble Sugiramun ventured to slay the beast. The colossal creature slithered around the mountain, slicing cliffs with sharp scales. Its face resembled a lion’s, with wide, goat-like eyes darting back and forth. As the beast noticed the visitor, its mouth twisted and spoke countless tongues at once. Pain rushed through Sugiramun’s head.
“Tsukaites were powerless against me. What makes you different?”
The creature was a wounded Cosmic Amaar, seeking a vessel to restore itself and leave Ayonerra. As Sugiramun offered himself, a second wave of pain bolted in his mind.
“You shall act as a temporary vessel. Whilst your firstborn will sustain me. Become my blood and flesh.”
Sugiramun attained everything he desired; erased the shame haunting his family, became renowned across the Nine Skies, a man who had ended the monstrosity, and most importantly, gained Saeko’s heart.
The serenity lasted several months until Saeko became pregnant. Sugiramun stayed by his wife’s side during the labour, wondering when the Amaar would inhabit his child. The doctors screeched as the newborn took her first breath. Her long, worm-like white eyelashes squirmed, while the body was dotted with sharp, black scales, cutting the midwife's skin upon touch.
Realizing the child would be seen as abominable and killed, Sugiramun snatched her from the doctor’s arms and flew towards Dekabura’s temple. With Amaar’s aid, he cut through the guards, stole goddess Dekabura's sacred sword and rode his flying stallion towards Skneli.

Sugiramun’s body altered as he massacred Keiko’s hundred-man army. His skin hardened into sharp scales, goat-like eyes sprouted from the neck and wormy protrusions wriggled on his face. With enhanced senses and regeneration, he stood toe to toe with three Hands of the Empress, killing one and severely wounding another. As Keiko charged towards him, Surigamun clutched Dekabura’s blade. Desperate, he didn’t give ear to the weapon’s warning and started unsheathing it.

“Get your filthy hands off me!’’

Screeched the sword and tore Sugiramun’s right arm. Keiko followed by slicing his leg off. The fallen father clutched his daughter, eyes swelling with tears as he awaited the empress’s judgment. Yet, Keiko pitied the man, let him live and warned him never to return.

Sugiramun reached the Vinwardisi Forest and begged Chief Qaitlen to keep newborn Moriko safe from the Amaar. Qaitlen sealed the creature inside a gem and gifted it to Keiko. The empress placed it inside her crown, where it rests to this day.

Cover image: by Nincho


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Oct 8, 2023 11:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Was Saeko all right? XD   What a tale. Great article.

Oct 8, 2023 17:02

The labour was pretty intense, but she did survive. Thank you c: