Solomon's Stone Item in Ayonerra | World Anvil

Solomon's Stone

Following the Millennial War of Colours, Med’Hea and Rakheem imprisoned Blue Grdzneuli Solomon under Rakheem’s desert. To escape his confinement, Solomon crafted a gem able to command Rare Stagyars. But Rakheem snatched the stone before the Blue Grdzneuli could use it.

For centuries, Solomon manifested projections to people, promising endless power and prosperity if they stole the precious gem. Most Taraakhi feared angering the Desert of Creation and refused the mage, while those who agreed were swiftly stopped by Rakheem.

One day, Solomon showed himself to Pendraken, a bastard with little left to lose. Temptation won over and Pendraken took his sister Shani along the venture. With Solomon’s guidance, the siblings avoided Rakheem’s prying eyes and found their target. The stone’s vivid colours danced around each other, as a rainbow trapped inside a mirror cage.

 Mesmerised by the gem’s lustre, Shani reached out and touched the stone. In an instant, the gem clutched the girl and started fusing with her. Pendraken rushed through and tried prying the artefact from the sister’s hand, causing a small piece to break off and fuse with his flesh. Just as the stone disappeared inside their bodies, Rakheem emerged from the sand and stood over the youngsters.

The petrified siblings awaited the deity’s wrath. Yet, the Desert of Creation remained calm. He informed how the stone fragments had now become Pendraken and Shani’s hearts. Uttering a single command towards a rare stagyar would shatter the artefact, killing the order-giving sibling. Rakheem let Pendraken and Shani go, with a reminder to never trust Solomon again.

After the event, Shani observed how she could form and manipulate four out of the five rare elements, while Pendraken found himself limited to a shadow. To protect his sister, Pendraken claimed to be the artefact’s sole host. Meanwhile, the Northern Taraakhi Pharaoh Havranapeth and Queen Elinaroshapshutt took Shani in and promised her safety.

Solomon’s Stone has become especially sought after during the Taraakhi civil war. Various political figures and organisations wish to control the Desert of Creation and force him to fight on their side.

Cover image: by Nincho


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Feb 23, 2024 16:44 by spleen

you draw hands. so well. i am impressed

Have a wonderful day!
Feb 23, 2024 16:46

Thank you! Hands are both frustrating, but really fun to draw.

Feb 27, 2024 15:14 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ahhh, what a story behind the stone, I love it. Slightly terrifying knowing that it could explode inside them. O_O

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Feb 27, 2024 22:01

Crack crack goes the heart!