The Formerly Cursed Rank/Title in Ayrith | World Anvil

The Formerly Cursed

"Those who were once cursed are just as highly respected among sorcerers as any other. The higher the power, the more respect is given. Those who were once cursed have the most power and thus receive the greatest respect. Everyone knows that someone who is Formerly Cursed has long ago atoned for whatever crime they committed against the one who cursed them." -the sorceress Asema

When a curse is broken, the person who was cursed is able to use the magic that had once controlled the curse. That magic becomes a part of the person, and in most cases is more powerful than any other form of magic. Due to the amount of power then within them, the person is granted the title of The Fomerly Cursed. This is also to recognize the suffering that came before the breaking of the curse.


The public aknowledgement of someone being Formerly Cursed begins when a sorcerer encounters them. The Formerly Cursed may mention having broken a curse, or it may be noticed that the person's magic is black in color, an indication of curse magic. It may also be noticed how quickly the magic replenishes itself, which is more quickly than the more common forms of magic. Magic that comes from a broken curse also frequently passes itself to sexual partners, even those without magical abilities of their own, without the will of the Formerly Cursed being able to prevent or control the transfer. This shared power is weaker than the magic within the Formerly Cursed, and can be entirely depleted by the one who receives it. In some rare cases, curse magic can also leave physical marks on the body, such as black swirls or stripes.

Once a Formerly Cursed person is located, their name and location is communicated to other sorcerers due to an innate curiosity about magic among sorcerers. Secrecy is nearly impossible when one is Formerly Cursed, though relatively quiet lives are still possible.


Despite the almost unlimited magic available to those who are Formerly Cursed, no expectations are held regarding their future actions. This is due to the knowledge that someone who was once cursed must have suffered because of it for many years. It is also widely known that the breaking of a curse involves great risk of death. To expect any great service from someone who had to live with a curse for any length of time is considered unreasonable to most sorcerers, but they will always support a Formerly Cursed who wishes to do more for society with their newfound power.

Cultural Significance

While some who know little of magic may fear those who are Formerly Cursed solely because of the negative connotation of the word "curse," those who know about magic rarely do. The Formerly Cursed are held in high esteem for what they are assumed to have endured and for how much magic they possess, and are treated with great respect by others with a knowledge of magic.

Notable Holders

Coulta, the reigning Second King of Phelin, is Formerly Cursed.

Magical, Honorific
Equates to
The Wielder of the Violet Power, the most powerful level of sorcery
Current Holders