Today is January 1, 1868 | Winter | 9°C


Every person has a unique personality. Understanding the various types of people, their similarities, and their differences is key to understanding how society functions and how individuals interact with each other. This manual explains personality based on different traits, with each individual's personality scored according to pairs of traits. A combination of five traits forms a personality type, which provides an abstract description of an individual's underlying personality. Keep in mind that this description is informational and does not fully depict the complexity of a person and their many subtleties.  
This page is under construction at the moment. Most of the personality types are not fully written yet or appear very basic. More information will be added soon.



An individual possesses a collection of traits that shape their personality and influence their actions and thoughts. To create a personality profile, each pair of traits is assessed to determine which is more dominant. The dominant trait is more likely to manifest in the individual's actions, but it doesn't mean that the person always exhibits this trait. External factors or specific situations can significantly influence a person's behaviour.     Thinking
Logical: Logical thinkers often base their conclusions on facts and objective data. They have strong analytical abilities and make decisions with less emotional influence. However, they might become inflexible or miss out on creative solutions.

Strengths: Objectivity, Clarity, Problem-solving
Weaknesses: Rigidity, Time consuming, Overlook creativity
Intuitive: Individuals with strong intuition tend to rely on their instincts for forming conclusions and reacting to the world. Their intuition is formed by personal experiences and the subconscious, which enables them to react quickly, adapt easily, and inspire others with their creative solutions. However, they can be influenced by personal subjective emotions and biases, making them less predictable.

Strengths: Creativity, Quick decision-making, Empathy
Weaknesses: Biased, Unpredictable, Inconsistent
Pragmatic: Pragmatic individuals prioritize practical, realistic approaches, focusing on efficiency and short-term feasibility, but may lack a broader vision or be resistant to change.

Strengths: Practicality, Reliability, Result-oriented
Weaknesses: Lack of vision, Rigidity, Short-term focus
Visionary: A visionary individual sees possibilities and future opportunities that others might not see. They have an ambitious vision of the future and are motivated by big-picture thinking. However, they can lack focus on short-term goals, be impatient, or simply have unrealistic goals.

Strengths: Inspirational, Long-term vision, Flexible
Weaknesses: Lack of focus, Impatience, Unrealistic
Conservative: A conservative person tends to prioritize tradition, stability, and the preservation of established norms and values. They are cautious about change and often emphasize the importance of individual responsibility. They are stable and cautious individuals but can be inclined to exclude others, stagnate, and resist change.

Strengths: Stability, Cautious, Respect for tradition
Weaknesses: Resistance to change, Potential for Exclusion, Stagnation
Liberal: A liberal person tends to prioritize change, progress, individual freedom, and equality. They are open to new ideas and are progressive, but they can overreach, conflict with traditional values, or cause disruption to their ideas.

Strengths: Stand for Equality, Progressive, Openness
Weaknesses: Conflict with traditions, Disruptive, Overreaching
Systematic: A systematic individual is methodical, organized, and structured in their approach. They prefer to follow clear procedures and value consistency, predictability, and thoroughness. This makes them good planners with attention to detail, consistency, and effectiveness. However, they may also be rigid, slower to adapt, and struggle with unexpected changes. Strengths: Organizational skills, Consistent, Effective Weaknesses: Rigidity, Slow adapters, Struggle with unexpected change
Spontaneous: A spontaneous individual is flexible and adaptable, inclined to act on impulse or intuition. They prefer to go with the flow, make decisions at the moment, and enjoy new experiences as they arise. This makes them very adaptable, creative, and quick decision-makers. However, they can lack planning, be too impulsive, or inconsistent.

Strengths: Adaptable, Creative, Quick-decision making
Weaknesses: Lack of planning, Impulsive, Inconsistent
Assertive: An assertive individual is self-assured and direct in expressing their thoughts and needs. They communicate clearly and stand up for themselves. However, they may come across as cocky and loud to other people and may pay less attention to passive individuals.

Strengths: Clear communication, High Self-esteem, Conflict resolution
Weaknesses: Over-confidence, Over-dominant, Loud
Reactive: An individual who is reactive tends to respond to situations or challenges after they arise, and their actions are often guided by external circumstances. They have the tendency to think before reacting. However, this can make them slow, emotional, and overly dependent on others.

Strengths: Thinking, Empathy, Flexibility
Weaknesses: Lack of proactivity, Slow, Emotional
Confident: A confident person has strong beliefs in their abilities, decisions, and judgments. They approach even risky situations with self-assurance, often taking the initiative and leading others.

Strengths: Decisive, Leadership, Risk-taking
Weaknesses: Impatient, Intimidating, Overconfidence
Thoughtful: An individual who is thoughtful is reflective, considerate, and deliberate in their actions and decisions. They carefully consider different perspectives and think before they act. This makes them good decision-makers, empaths, and attentive to detail. However, they may also be indecisive, overthink too much, or be reluctant to take risks.

Strengths: Careful decision-making, Empathy, Detailed
Weaknesses: Indecisive, Overthinking, Avoiding risks
Altruistic: An altruistic person is motivated to help others and often puts their needs above their own. They are often selfless, empathetic, and have a strong moral compass. However, they can neglect themselves in the process, be vulnerable to exploitation, or have a martyr-like attitude.

Strengths: Selflessness, Empathy, Moral compass
Weaknesses: Self-neglect, Vulnerable to Exploitation, Potential Martyrdom
Beneficiary: A beneficiary individual seeks to receive benefits, assistance, and advantages from others. They ensure that they have what they need, enabling personal growth, and may reciprocate the favours they receive. However, they may become dependent, feel entitled or greedy, or experience guilt.

Strengths: Have what they need, Potential for Growth, Reciprocity
Weaknesses: Dependent, Entitled, Guilt
Sociable: A sociable person enjoys and seeks out social interaction. They are often outgoing, friendly, and comfortable in the company of others. They tend to have strong communication skills, a network of people, and good teamwork skills. However, they can become dependent, be distracted from personal goals, or struggle with peer pressure. Strengths: Friendly, Good Communication Skills, Teamwork

Weaknesses: Dependence, Distraction from personal goals, Peer pressure
Solitary: A solitary person prefers spending time alone or in quiet environments. They are comfortable with solitude, which gives them time for reflection, creativity, and deep concentration. They are independent, reflective, and creative. However, they can isolate themselves, lack social skills, or be misunderstood.

Strengths: Reflective, Independent, Creative
Weaknesses: Isolation, Lack of social skills, Misunderstood
Optimistic: An optimistic person anticipates positive outcomes and tends to focus on the bright side of situations. They believe that things will work out for the best, which gives them a positive outlook, resilience, and increased motivation. However, they may overlook risks, have unrealistic expectations, or ignore negative feedback.

Strengths: Positive outlook, Resilience, Motivated
Weaknesses: Overlook risks, Unrealistic expectations, Ignore negative feedback
Realistic: An individual with a realistic approach to situations focuses on both the positive and negative aspects, making decisions based on objective analysis rather than hopeful or pessimistic expectations. This enables them to accurately assess situations, be prepared, and maintain a balanced perspective. However, they may have a tendency to be pessimistic, too cautious, or lack enthusiasm.

Strengths: Accurate assessment, Prepared, Balanced
Weaknesses: Pessimism, Too cautious, Lack of enthusiasm

Colour spectrum

The traits all have a certain colour attached to them. The colour of the more dominant trait is displayed in the colour spectrum. These colours have a certain meaning and describe an individual's overall character or vibe. The meaning of the colours is described in the table below. When a person has less variation in the colour spectrum, they have a more consistent character. However, they can also appear more rigid or unoriginal. A person with more variation might appear more unstable, but can also react to different situations easily and is interesting to discover.    
Strenghts: Organized | Grounded | Consistent
Weaknesses: Rigid | Cold | Indifferent
Strenghts:Open-minded | Creative | Flexible
Weaknesses: Absent | Impractical
Strenghts:Introverted | Calm | Patient
Weaknesses: Anxious | Isolated
Strenghts:Extraverted | Communicative | Leading
Weaknesses: Dominant | Controlling
Strenghts:Loving | Caring | Positive
Weaknesses: Smothering | Obsessive


A combination of the most dominant or frequently occurring traits in an individual form certain personality types. The different types are described below. However, having a personality type does not mean the person always acts this way, as they can have different types in different situations. The purpose of this personality description is to outline their most dominant traits and type.    
The Achiever is a visionary and confident individual with clear goals in sight. They are committed to doing whatever it takes to reach their objectives. Known for their strong work ethic, sociability, and optimistic outlook on life, these individuals consistently push forward towards their success.

Visionary: A visionary individual sees possibilities and future opportunities that others might not see. They have an ambitious vision of the future and are motivated by big-picture thinking. However, they can lack focus on short-term goals, be impatient, or simply have unrealistic goals.

Strengths: Inspirational, Long-term vision, Flexible
Weaknesses: Lack of focus, Impatience, Unrealistic

Assertive: An assertive individual is self-assured and direct in expressing their thoughts and needs. They communicate clearly and stand up for themselves. However, they may come across as cocky and loud to other people and may pay less attention to passive individuals.

Strengths: Clear communication, High Self-esteem, Conflict resolution
Weaknesses: Over-confidence, Over-dominant, Loud

Confident: A confident person has strong beliefs in their abilities, decisions, and judgments. They approach even risky situations with self-assurance, often taking the initiative and leading others.

Strengths: Decisive, Leadership, Risk-taking
Weaknesses: Impatient, Intimidating, Overconfidence

Sociable: A sociable person enjoys and seeks out social interaction. They are often outgoing, friendly, and comfortable in the company of others. They tend to have strong communication skills, a network of people, and good teamwork skills. However, they can become dependent, be distracted from personal goals, or struggle with peer pressure. Strengths: Friendly, Good Communication Skills, Teamwork

Weaknesses: Dependence, Distraction from personal goals, Peer pressure

Optimistic: An optimistic person anticipates positive outcomes and tends to focus on the bright side of situations. They believe that things will work out for the best, which gives them a positive outlook, resilience, and increased motivation. However, they may overlook risks, have unrealistic expectations, or ignore negative feedback.

Strengths: Positive outlook, Resilience, Motivated
Weaknesses: Overlook risks, Unrealistic expectations, Ignore negative feedback

The Builder is a logical and systematic individual who is capable of constructing anything they desire in life. They approach every aspect with an analytical mindset and clear steps to achieve a goal. Builders are often optimistic and confident about reaching their goals and can see paths that are invisible to others.
Logical: Logical thinkers often base their conclusions on facts and objective data. They have strong analytical abilities and make decisions with less emotional influence. However, they might become inflexible or miss out on creative solutions.

Strengths: Objectivity, Clarity, Problem-solving
Weaknesses: Rigidity, Time consuming, Overlook creativity
Pragmatic: Pragmatic individuals prioritize practical, realistic approaches, focusing on efficiency and short-term feasibility, but may lack a broader vision or be resistant to change.

Strengths: Practicality, Reliability, Result-oriented
Weaknesses: Lack of vision, Rigidity, Short-term focus
Systematic: A systematic individual is methodical, organized, and structured in their approach. They prefer to follow clear procedures and value consistency, predictability, and thoroughness. This makes them good planners with attention to detail, consistency, and effectiveness. However, they may also be rigid, slower to adapt, and struggle with unexpected changes. Strengths: Organizational skills, Consistent, Effective Weaknesses: Rigidity, Slow adapters, Struggle with unexpected change
Confident: A confident person has strong beliefs in their abilities, decisions, and judgments. They approach even risky situations with self-assurance, often taking the initiative and leading others.

Strengths: Decisive, Leadership, Risk-taking
Weaknesses: Impatient, Intimidating, Overconfidence
Optimistic: An optimistic person anticipates positive outcomes and tends to focus on the bright side of situations. They believe that things will work out for the best, which gives them a positive outlook, resilience, and increased motivation. However, they may overlook risks, have unrealistic expectations, or ignore negative feedback.

Strengths: Positive outlook, Resilience, Motivated
Weaknesses: Overlook risks, Unrealistic expectations, Ignore negative feedback
The Businessman is a visionary, assertive, and confident individual who has the ability to get everything done they set their hands on. They have a strong personality and are born natural leaders. They are good at delegating work to others while still keeping an eye on the overall process so that he/she and the team can achieve victory.
Visionary: A visionary individual sees possibilities and future opportunities that others might not see. They have an ambitious vision of the future and are motivated by big-picture thinking. However, they can lack focus on short-term goals, be impatient, or simply have unrealistic goals.

Strengths: Inspirational, Long-term vision, Flexible
Weaknesses: Lack of focus, Impatience, Unrealistic
Assertive: An assertive individual is self-assured and direct in expressing their thoughts and needs. They communicate clearly and stand up for themselves. However, they may come across as cocky and loud to other people and may pay less attention to passive individuals.

Strengths: Clear communication, High Self-esteem, Conflict resolution
Weaknesses: Over-confidence, Over-dominant, Loud
Confident: A confident person has strong beliefs in their abilities, decisions, and judgments. They approach even risky situations with self-assurance, often taking the initiative and leading others.

Strengths: Decisive, Leadership, Risk-taking
Weaknesses: Impatient, Intimidating, Overconfidence
Beneficiary: A beneficiary individual seeks to receive benefits, assistance, and advantages from others. They ensure that they have what they need, enabling personal growth, and may reciprocate the favours they receive. However, they may become dependent, feel entitled or greedy, or experience guilt.

Strengths: Have what they need, Potential for Growth, Reciprocity
Weaknesses: Dependent, Entitled, Guilt
Sociable: A sociable person enjoys and seeks out social interaction. They are often outgoing, friendly, and comfortable in the company of others. They tend to have strong communication skills, a network of people, and good teamwork skills. However, they can become dependent, be distracted from personal goals, or struggle with peer pressure. Strengths: Friendly, Good Communication Skills, Teamwork

Weaknesses: Dependence, Distraction from personal goals, Peer pressure
The Champion is an optimistic and visionary individual, passionately advocating for a person or cause. They exude confidence and aim to inspire the same in others. Yet, champions prefer to stay out of the spotlight, allowing others to take centre stage.

Visionary: A visionary individual sees possibilities and future opportunities that others might not see. They have an ambitious vision of the future and are motivated by big-picture thinking. However, they can lack focus on short-term goals, be impatient, or simply have unrealistic goals.

Strengths: Inspirational, Long-term vision, Flexible
Weaknesses: Lack of focus, Impatience, Unrealistic

Confident: A confident person has strong beliefs in their abilities, decisions, and judgments. They approach even risky situations with self-assurance, often taking the initiative and leading others.

Strengths: Decisive, Leadership, Risk-taking
Weaknesses: Impatient, Intimidating, Overconfidence

Altruistic: An altruistic person is motivated to help others and often puts their needs above their own. They are often selfless, empathetic, and have a strong moral compass. However, they can neglect themselves in the process, be vulnerable to exploitation, or have a martyr-like attitude.

Strengths: Selflessness, Empathy, Moral compass
Weaknesses: Self-neglect, Vulnerable to Exploitation, Potential Martyrdom

Solitary: A solitary person prefers spending time alone or in quiet environments. They are comfortable with solitude, which gives them time for reflection, creativity, and deep concentration. They are independent, reflective, and creative. However, they can isolate themselves, lack social skills, or be misunderstood.

Strengths: Reflective, Independent, Creative
Weaknesses: Isolation, Lack of social skills, Misunderstood

Optimistic: An optimistic person anticipates positive outcomes and tends to focus on the bright side of situations. They believe that things will work out for the best, which gives them a positive outlook, resilience, and increased motivation. However, they may overlook risks, have unrealistic expectations, or ignore negative feedback.

Strengths: Positive outlook, Resilience, Motivated
Weaknesses: Overlook risks, Unrealistic expectations, Ignore negative feedback

The Comrad is a sociable, extroverted, and outgoing individual. They possess strong communication skills, natural charm, and an optimistic outlook. They often see the best in others, making them well-liked by many. The Comrad thrives when surrounded by fiends and loved ones, enjoying good times or lending a helping hand.
Liberal: A liberal person tends to prioritize change, progress, individual freedom, and equality. They are open to new ideas and are progressive, but they can overreach, conflict with traditional values, or cause disruption to their ideas.

Strengths: Stand for Equality, Progressive, Openness
Weaknesses: Conflict with traditions, Disruptive, Overreaching
Spontaneous: A spontaneous individual is flexible and adaptable, inclined to act on impulse or intuition. They prefer to go with the flow, make decisions at the moment, and enjoy new experiences as they arise. This makes them very adaptable, creative, and quick decision-makers. However, they can lack planning, be too impulsive, or inconsistent.

Strengths: Adaptable, Creative, Quick-decision making
Weaknesses: Lack of planning, Impulsive, Inconsistent
Altruistic: An altruistic person is motivated to help others and often puts their needs above their own. They are often selfless, empathetic, and have a strong moral compass. However, they can neglect themselves in the process, be vulnerable to exploitation, or have a martyr-like attitude.

Strengths: Selflessness, Empathy, Moral compass
Weaknesses: Self-neglect, Vulnerable to Exploitation, Potential Martyrdom
Sociable: A sociable person enjoys and seeks out social interaction. They are often outgoing, friendly, and comfortable in the company of others. They tend to have strong communication skills, a network of people, and good teamwork skills. However, they can become dependent, be distracted from personal goals, or struggle with peer pressure. Strengths: Friendly, Good Communication Skills, Teamwork

Weaknesses: Dependence, Distraction from personal goals, Peer pressure
Optimistic: An optimistic person anticipates positive outcomes and tends to focus on the bright side of situations. They believe that things will work out for the best, which gives them a positive outlook, resilience, and increased motivation. However, they may overlook risks, have unrealistic expectations, or ignore negative feedback.

Strengths: Positive outlook, Resilience, Motivated
Weaknesses: Overlook risks, Unrealistic expectations, Ignore negative feedback
The Daydreamer has a mind full of ideas, fantasies and wonders to think about. They are often far away in thoughts, sometimes even seeming disconnected from the world around them. They are highly creative, but tend to keep their ideas to themselves. They are quiet and often only speak when spoken to. A mind to busy for the world.

Intuitive: Individuals with strong intuition tend to rely on their instincts for forming conclusions and reacting to the world. Their intuition is formed by personal experiences and the subconscious, which enables them to react quickly, adapt easily, and inspire others with their creative solutions. However, they can be influenced by personal subjective emotions and biases, making them less predictable.

Strengths: Creativity, Quick decision-making, Empathy
Weaknesses: Biased, Unpredictable, Inconsistent

Visionary: A visionary individual sees possibilities and future opportunities that others might not see. They have an ambitious vision of the future and are motivated by big-picture thinking. However, they can lack focus on short-term goals, be impatient, or simply have unrealistic goals.

Strengths: Inspirational, Long-term vision, Flexible
Weaknesses: Lack of focus, Impatience, Unrealistic

Reactive: An individual who is reactive tends to respond to situations or challenges after they arise, and their actions are often guided by external circumstances. They have the tendency to think before reacting. However, this can make them slow, emotional, and overly dependent on others.

Strengths: Thinking, Empathy, Flexibility
Weaknesses: Lack of proactivity, Slow, Emotional

Thoughtful: An individual who is thoughtful is reflective, considerate, and deliberate in their actions and decisions. They carefully consider different perspectives and think before they act. This makes them good decision-makers, empaths, and attentive to detail. However, they may also be indecisive, overthink too much, or be reluctant to take risks.

Strengths: Careful decision-making, Empathy, Detailed
Weaknesses: Indecisive, Overthinking, Avoiding risks

Solitary: A solitary person prefers spending time alone or in quiet environments. They are comfortable with solitude, which gives them time for reflection, creativity, and deep concentration. They are independent, reflective, and creative. However, they can isolate themselves, lack social skills, or be misunderstood.

Strengths: Reflective, Independent, Creative
Weaknesses: Isolation, Lack of social skills, Misunderstood

The Skeptic relies on concrete, clear data and view the world as it is. They tend to believe that life is tough and only the strong prevail. This is why they are often hard workers. While they may seem pessimistic, it's not that they're negative; they just prefer practicality over idealism.

Logical: Logical thinkers often base their conclusions on facts and objective data. They have strong analytical abilities and make decisions with less emotional influence. However, they might become inflexible or miss out on creative solutions.

Strengths: Objectivity, Clarity, Problem-solving
Weaknesses: Rigidity, Time consuming, Overlook creativity

Conservative: A conservative person tends to prioritize tradition, stability, and the preservation of established norms and values. They are cautious about change and often emphasize the importance of individual responsibility. They are stable and cautious individuals but can be inclined to exclude others, stagnate, and resist change.

Strengths: Stability, Cautious, Respect for tradition
Weaknesses: Resistance to change, Potential for Exclusion, Stagnation

Assertive: An assertive individual is self-assured and direct in expressing their thoughts and needs. They communicate clearly and stand up for themselves. However, they may come across as cocky and loud to other people and may pay less attention to passive individuals.

Strengths: Clear communication, High Self-esteem, Conflict resolution
Weaknesses: Over-confidence, Over-dominant, Loud

Thoughtful: An individual who is thoughtful is reflective, considerate, and deliberate in their actions and decisions. They carefully consider different perspectives and think before they act. This makes them good decision-makers, empaths, and attentive to detail. However, they may also be indecisive, overthink too much, or be reluctant to take risks.

Strengths: Careful decision-making, Empathy, Detailed
Weaknesses: Indecisive, Overthinking, Avoiding risks

Realistic: An individual with a realistic approach to situations focuses on both the positive and negative aspects, making decisions based on objective analysis rather than hopeful or pessimistic expectations. This enables them to accurately assess situations, be prepared, and maintain a balanced perspective. However, they may have a tendency to be pessimistic, too cautious, or lack enthusiasm.

Strengths: Accurate assessment, Prepared, Balanced
Weaknesses: Pessimism, Too cautious, Lack of enthusiasm

The Sustainer is a practical and sometimes conservative person who quietly supports others. They work hard, often staying in the background, but they ensure their loved ones have what they need. During tough times, they push through, even if it means sacrificing their own needs.
Pragmatic: Pragmatic individuals prioritize practical, realistic approaches, focusing on efficiency and short-term feasibility, but may lack a broader vision or be resistant to change.

Strengths: Practicality, Reliability, Result-oriented
Weaknesses: Lack of vision, Rigidity, Short-term focus
Conservative: A conservative person tends to prioritize tradition, stability, and the preservation of established norms and values. They are cautious about change and often emphasize the importance of individual responsibility. They are stable and cautious individuals but can be inclined to exclude others, stagnate, and resist change.

Strengths: Stability, Cautious, Respect for tradition
Weaknesses: Resistance to change, Potential for Exclusion, Stagnation
Altruistic: An altruistic person is motivated to help others and often puts their needs above their own. They are often selfless, empathetic, and have a strong moral compass. However, they can neglect themselves in the process, be vulnerable to exploitation, or have a martyr-like attitude.

Strengths: Selflessness, Empathy, Moral compass
Weaknesses: Self-neglect, Vulnerable to Exploitation, Potential Martyrdom
Solitary: A solitary person prefers spending time alone or in quiet environments. They are comfortable with solitude, which gives them time for reflection, creativity, and deep concentration. They are independent, reflective, and creative. However, they can isolate themselves, lack social skills, or be misunderstood.

Strengths: Reflective, Independent, Creative
Weaknesses: Isolation, Lack of social skills, Misunderstood
Realistic: An individual with a realistic approach to situations focuses on both the positive and negative aspects, making decisions based on objective analysis rather than hopeful or pessimistic expectations. This enables them to accurately assess situations, be prepared, and maintain a balanced perspective. However, they may have a tendency to be pessimistic, too cautious, or lack enthusiasm.

Strengths: Accurate assessment, Prepared, Balanced
Weaknesses: Pessimism, Too cautious, Lack of enthusiasm
The Worker is, as the name implies, a hard-working individual who aims to support themselves or their family. They are logical and pragmatic and do not cause a stir; instead, they simply follow the rules set for them and do what they are supposed to do. The Worker loves their job and carries it out with great responsibility and optimism.
Logical: Logical thinkers often base their conclusions on facts and objective data. They have strong analytical abilities and make decisions with less emotional influence. However, they might become inflexible or miss out on creative solutions.

Strengths: Objectivity, Clarity, Problem-solving
Weaknesses: Rigidity, Time consuming, Overlook creativity
Pragmatic: Pragmatic individuals prioritize practical, realistic approaches, focusing on efficiency and short-term feasibility, but may lack a broader vision or be resistant to change.

Strengths: Practicality, Reliability, Result-oriented
Weaknesses: Lack of vision, Rigidity, Short-term focus
Confident: A confident person has strong beliefs in their abilities, decisions, and judgments. They approach even risky situations with self-assurance, often taking the initiative and leading others.

Strengths: Decisive, Leadership, Risk-taking
Weaknesses: Impatient, Intimidating, Overconfidence
Reactive: An individual who is reactive tends to respond to situations or challenges after they arise, and their actions are often guided by external circumstances. They have the tendency to think before reacting. However, this can make them slow, emotional, and overly dependent on others.

Strengths: Thinking, Empathy, Flexibility
Weaknesses: Lack of proactivity, Slow, Emotional
Optimistic: An optimistic person anticipates positive outcomes and tends to focus on the bright side of situations. They believe that things will work out for the best, which gives them a positive outlook, resilience, and increased motivation. However, they may overlook risks, have unrealistic expectations, or ignore negative feedback.

Strengths: Positive outlook, Resilience, Motivated
Weaknesses: Overlook risks, Unrealistic expectations, Ignore negative feedback

Cover image: by Zev Chafer (original art)


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