Gautzelin Orius Character in Azarth | World Anvil
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Gautzelin Orius (GOWT-zuh-lihn OR-ee-us)

Magus Gautzelin Orius

I don't know where I am, or how I got here. The last thing I remember was Baltan starting the incantation, and all the glass Phylacteries began to glow and throb.

Now I'm hiding in an alley in some town, I'm not sure which one. It's not Wintersee. How long has it been? A day? A week? I'm afraid to ask. I've seen red robes riding north through town, casters from the Sanguine Tower. Are they looking for me?
— Senna
  Little remains about the actual individuals of the Conclave of Zayathi. The documents that have been uncovered deal with matters of day to day business, not biographies. However, there are some facts that are known about the eight casters who brought The Shattering down upon the world.   Gautzelin Orius, it would seem, was the youngest person ever to reach the rank of Magus and a place within the Conclave, at the approximate age of 45. This society of casters was very exclusive and only those with magical power and good connections were invited to join. There are some references to his wife and her standing, so it is possible that this was how he was able to join, through her associations, but he also must have been a very strong caster. It is unknown what his role was within the Conclave, or in the ritual that initiated the Shattering. It is certain that he was there, though, and perished with the rest of the city.  
I don't know where I am, or how I got here. The last thing I remember was Choukria interrupting the ritual with magic of her own.

Now, I'm in a mountainous area, in a simple arcane circle scratched into rock. There's a burnt corpse on the ground, and shattered glass bottles everywhere. And this is not my body...
— Gautzelin
Current Status
Believed to be Deceased
Date of Birth
c. 45 ME
Date of Death
0 ME
Dark brown
Short, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dusky tan
220 lb.
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Nightflyer0ne via Midjourney
Character Portrait image: by Nightflyer0ne via Midjourney


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