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Shaira (shah-EER-ah)

Aspium has one drawback as a treatment for magic users suffering from the Shards of Zolgar. It cannot stave off the long-term effects, especially on the mind. Inevitably, a caster's mind will degrade into insanity and senility. It is especially a problem among the Mahada of Khaldai, where the use of magic is not only allowed but encouraged. There, elders decline at a rapid pace, and often before they truly arrive at elderhood.   In response to this, the Mahada have developed a ritual, known as Shaira, to help ease a caster's last day. Once the rulers of Khaldai have determined that an older member of the family is behaving erratically, a day is set aside for a celebration of life and a soothing ritual to lead that person to their peaceful death.   The ritual takes place below the Juratha Palace, in the capital city of Maidus, in the beautiful cavern known as the Malualdi Grotto. Amisdt this lush oasis, the most talented musicians play quietly in the background, the most comely of servants bring around dishes of the celebrant's favorite foods and drinks, and close family gathers to say their last farewells. Finally, a holy chalice is brought by one of the temple priests, and the celebrant drinks, before falling into a painless slumber forever.   Usually, the celebrant is far enough under the sway of senility to not truly be aware of what is happening around them. Still, some recognize the ritual from other attendances and may attempt to leave or make a fuss. To prevent such breaks in the peace, the celebrant is usually mildly sedated before being robed and brought to the grotto. On several occasions, they have needed to be heavily sedated, instead. Some members of the families, however, know their duty, and will even request the ritual when they notice signs that they are failing mentally, choosing to face death on their own terms, and enjoying their last day to the fullest.
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Cover image: by Nightflyer0ne via Midjourney


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Aug 20, 2024 02:09 by Deleyna Marr

Dark, but fascinating response to a known end.
