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Malualdi Grotto (mah-loo-ALL-dee)

In a central courtyard of the sprawling Juratha Palace in Maidus there is an irregular hole in the ground. The porticoes there are fenced off to keep people from falling in or damaging the rim, and fine gauze is hung around it to attempt to keep the desert sands from blowing inside, as well as obscuring the view. An unassuming door with a set of guards in a nearby hallway hides rough-cut stone steps leading down into the sandstone cave beneath, and a wondrous subterranean garden lining a teal green pool.   This natural grotto is called Malualdi, or Beautiful. The mineral-rich waters of the pool feed generations of carefully cultivated plants, and marble benches, fountains and sculptures are arranged decoratively throughout the garden. The pool, itself, only takes up about a third of the space in the canyon, but is constantly fed by an underground spring, to keep it from evaporating.   Originally, it was a simple grotto for the enjoyment of those in the palace. In fact, the palace's location was chosen to incorporate this natural wonder within the building, and nurture it. But as the Mahadan casters grew older, and Aspium was shown to not be able to stave off the debilitating effects of magic on mind and body, it became something more.   For this is not just another pleasure garden in the palace of the Mahada. It is the location reserved for one of their most revered ceremonies, the rite known as Shaira. It is off-limits to anyone except the gardeners that tend it, and those participating in the rite. It is here that the casters of the Mahada spend their last day. Surrounded by natural beauty and water, the departing Mahada says goodbye to their family as part of a celebration both solemn and joyous.
Artist's Interpretation
Alternative Name(s)
Sha'ira Grotto
Location under
Owning Organization
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Cover image: by Nightflyer0ne via Midjourney


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Aug 14, 2024 03:25 by Lady Wynter

It's a beautiful and a sad place. I like that they built their capital around this natural wonder.

Bringing the Light