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Zolgar (ZOL-gar)

In the Maionic Faith, Zolgar represents the shadow self of the god Maion. They were created from Maion, a mirror image. Zolgar is seen as the opposite of Maion, and as a god of death and destruction. Like their sibling/parent Maion, they are not seen as having any particular gender, as they are not human forms but rather beings beyond human comprehension.   In the classic creation myth, Zolgar is portrayed as evil and jealous of Maion's creation, Azarth. Seeking to create something of their own, they ruin the perfection of Azarth by adding magic to the world. Another myth tells of how they came to Azarth to teach the first casters how to access magical power and use spells. Zolgar is also credited with inventing the first magical glyphs for more complicated spellwork.   In addition to their reputation as a destroyer, Zolgar is often referred to as the Opposer. They often appear in myths in the role of a partisan arguing the other side of a debate purely for the sake of testing the logic of the one they are debating, to see if the argument is sound. When Nyltris, the minor god of Stars, wishes to give stardrop crystals to the fairest humans, Zolgar challenges their choices. They bring up flaws to balance every virtue Nyltris lists for each human candidate, and eventually helps Nyltris settle the question.   Many stories claim that the gods occasionally choose to visit Azarth in human form, sometimes as male, sometimes female, usually androgynous in appearance. Either way, Zolgar is often depicted as having a ragged, rust-colored cloak with a deep hood, so that their face is obscured. Whether that is to protect mortals from looking into the face of a divine being, or to protect Zolgar from discovery is never clearly stated. They are also often described as having a knarled wooden staff, a token to their association with magic and casters.   There are whispered rumors in certain circles that early temple documents show that Zolgar was not always considered evil, but the Druail has asserted that all such statements are heretical and to be shunned by true believers.
Divine Classification
Related Myths

Cover image: by Nightflyer0ne via Midjourney


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