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Druail (DROO-ah-eel)

The Druail, or Supreme Priest, is the religious head of the Maionene Temple priests, and the faith as a whole. They are chosen from, and by, the top ranking tier of priests, known as the Synod of Trofre. It is a lifetime appointment. The current Druail, Sandrine Bocuse, was elected in 473 AS. The word Druail comes from the Oacuniwords drue (priest) + ail (supreme).   The Druali steers the faithful from the temple complex in Lower Maurac, Polira. Here, the supreme priest both lives and works. They are responsible for all top level administrative duties for the temple, as well as ambassadorial undertakings. They are also supreme adjudicator in matters of faith and doctrine, making rulings as to what is dogma and what is heresy, and issuing these rulings to all lower priests to distribute to their congregations. They also lead a large congregation in the monthly Rite of Tiage-Gen, each New Moon, from the balcony of their quarters, overlooking a large public square. Faithful from across Polira come to participate in these rites.   The Druali, like all priests of the Maionene Temple, wears simple black vestments. Those of the Druali, however, tend to be of much finer fabrics and cut. They also wear a narrow scarlet stole as indicator of their rank as head of the faith. The blue stole they wore as a Trofre is often carefully kept and preserved in the archives. The two most important parts of their regalia, however, are a golden Tucleuil symbol on a gold chain, and a thin black veil covering their head, as a sign of contrition before Maion. This, they only have to wear in public rites. There is also small square of velvet that is worn on top of the veil, to aid in holding the pins that keep the veil secure, but it has taken on additional meaning and significance among the faithful, so a Druali will often wear it even when not wearing the ritual veil.   The Druail has a moderate sized suite of rooms, with the aforementioned balcony, within the temple complex at Lower Maurac. It contains an entry hall, large receiving room, two smaller receiving rooms, a small parlor, a devotional/meditation room and sleeping quarters. Most of the Druail's time, however, is spend in the administrative areas of the complex. Their day is tightly scheduled, so that the most things can be dealt with in the least amount of time. The Druail does not travel much, due to the conditions of the roads, the persistent problems of bandits, and the fact that the Druail is generally of an advanced age. Even the Monarch comes to the Druail, and not the other way around, although politically, the Monarch has more power. It is seen as a mark of faithfulness and humility for the ruler of Polira.
by Nightflyer0ne via Midjourney
Druail Sandrine
Religious, Political
Canon of Precedence, 165 AS
Form of Address
Serene One
Alternative Naming
Supreme Priest
Source of Authority
Synod of Trofre
Length of Term
First Holder
Current Holders
Related Locations
Related Organizations

Cover image: by Nightflyer0ne via Midjourney


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Aug 19, 2024 01:10 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article and thanks for the pronunciation key!   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3