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History of Draenor

This history of the alien world of Draenor, its events are relevant to the story but do not take place on Azeroth.


... 7000 BFW

Events from long ago, the dates here are approximations and details are vague. Any dates before 150,000 AE should not be taken as fact, as they happened so long ego the exact date is impossible to know.

  • 5000000 BFW

    Origins of the Universe
    Era beginning/end

    The universe is created from the clash of The Light and The Void.   It is unknown how long ago this happened.

    Additional timelines
  • 2000000 BFW

    The Rise of Demons
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Demons arise in the Twisting Nether.

    Additional timelines
  • 900000 BFW

    Sargeras and the Betrayer
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Sargeras betrays the Pantheon and creates the Burning Legion.

    Additional timelines
  • 30000 BFW

    Rise of the Eradar
    Technological achievement

    The Eradar race become the masters of Argus. They master arcane magic and create wondrous machines and devices powered by crystals and the arcane.

  • 25000 BFW

    Fall of the Eredar
    Disaster / Destruction

    Sergarus corrupts most of the Eradar people in Argus, convincing them to join the Burning Legion.

  • 25000 BFW

    Flight of the Draenei
    Population Migration / Travel

    With the help of the Naaru, Prophet Valen escapes on the Genedar with other Eradar that reject Sargeras' offer. The Naaru name them the Draenei, or "Exiled Ones."

Early Draenor History

7000 BFW 46 BFW

Before there was Outland, there was Draenor

  • 3000 BFW

    Rise of the Arakkoa

    On Draenor, the Arakkoa travel from Gorgrond to Arak. They create the Apexis civilization in their goddess Rukhmar's memory and begin to explore the world.

  • 2000 BFW

    The Apexis - Primal War
    Military action

    On Draenor, Gnarlgar rallies the Primals against the Apexis and creates a new Sporemound known as Taala. The Apexis annihilate the Primal army with the Breath of Rukhmar, permanently destroying the Evergrowth and preventing it from ever returning again, leading to a golden age of mortal civilization on Draenor.

  • 1200 BFW

    Fall of the Apexis

    The Apexis civilization is destroyed in a civil war. The Breath of Rukhmar explodes, shattering Arak's single spire into numerous smaller ones.

  • 1000 BFW

    Rise of the Ogre

    The ogres are taught arcane magic by the arakkoa and rebel against their ogron masters under the leadership of Gog Gronnslayer. The city of Goria is established, beginning the reign of the Gorian Empire.

  • 800 BFW

    Awakening of the Orcs
    Population Migration / Travel

    The orcs emerge from the subterranean caverns of Gorgrond and begin to spread across Draenor, forming various clans.

  • 799 BFW

    Birth of Shamanism
    Religious event

    Orcs from the Shadowmoon clan are taught the ways of shamanism by the elements and construct a temple at a site they name the Throne of the Elements. The biannual Kosh'harg festival is established.

  • 600 BFW

    Saberon - Arakkoa War
    Military action

    Pridelord Karash of the Bloodmane saberon declares war upon the high arakkoa but is defeated by the Talon King Terokk. Terokk establishes the city of Skyreach but is later betrayed by the Anhari priesthood, who wish to retain sole control over arakkoan society. Terokk and his daughter Lithic are thrown into the Sethekk Hollow to become Outcasts. Lithic dies in the fall, but Terokk and his followers are guided by Anzu to create the talonpriests and establish the city of Skettis. Terokk eventually becomes insane and is sealed in a realm of shadow by his followers.

  • 403 BFW

    Ogre - Orc War of the Elements
    Military action

    Imperator Molok of the Gorian Empire sends an ogre army to claim the Throne of the Elements and the power of the elements by force. The dissonance between the ogres' reckless arcane magic and the lingering power of Grond's remains creates an explosion that blows apart the orcish temple, leaving behind only a few standing stones and throwing the elements into disarray across Draenor.

  • 402 BFW

    Orc Clans Rally
    Gathering / Conference

    At the Kosh'harg festival, the orcish clans band together to combat the ogres at the urging of Nelgarm.

  • 400 BFW

    The Gorian Siege
    Military action

    The orcs lay siege to the ogre capital Goria. Molok and his sorcerers create the red pox, which begins to spread among the orcs, but Nelgarm and his fellow shaman convince the elements to completely destroy Goria.

  • 300 BFW

    The Last Genesaur

    Last reported case of a genesaur birth on Draenor prior to the creation of the Blooming Genesaur.

  • 200 BFW

    Draenei Arrive
    Population Migration / Travel

    The draenei crash-land on Draenor in the Genedar and create the Council of Exarchs.

  • 195 BFW

    Shattrath Founded

    The draenei establish Shattrath City in the location where Goria once stood.

  • 195 BFW

    Auchindoun Built
    Construction beginning/end

    Auchindoun and the Auchenai are established after it is discovered that the remains of the naaru D'ore are attracting the souls of deceased draenei.

  • 180 BFW

    Karabor Incident
    Religious event

    The Temple of Karabor is founded. The Shadowmoon orcs begin to worship the darkened naaru K'ara as a deity, calling it the "Dark Star", but quickly outlaw the practice after discovering that wielding the Dark Star's power causes insanity.

  • 180 BFW

    Oshu'gun Founded
    Religious event

    The naaru K'ure begins attracting the souls of deceased orcs to the wreckage of the Genedar. Orcish shaman begin making pilgrimages to the site to commune with their ancestors, naming the crystal mountain "Oshu'gun".

  • 180 BFW

    Curse of the Pale
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A group of orcish exiles dwelling below Nagrand begin tapping into the Void energies bleeding from K'ure. This allows them to use shadow magic but also turns their skin a sickly white, causing the exiles to begin calling themselves "the Pale".

  • 100 BFW

    Draenei - Ogre War
    Military action

    Imperator Hok'lon leads the Gorian Empire in an attempt to retake the ruins of Goria from the draenei. The attack is easily repelled by the draenei and Hok'lon is killed. The ogres flee after Velen appears on Shattrath's ramparts, wreathed in light, and tells them that they will be allowed to leave unharmed.

  • 99 BFW

    Draenei - Orc Relations Tense
    Gathering / Conference

    The orc clans debate over how to respond to the draenei. The Bladewind clan begin raiding draenei caravans, but the attacks gradually cease when the draenei send Vindicators to guard the caravans.

Doom of Draenor

45 BFW 7 AFW

The Legion discover Draenor, and plan to use it to invade Azeroth.

  • 45 BFW

    The Shadow Pact
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Burning Legion begins to corrupt the orcs for their second invasion of Azeroth.

  • 26 BFW

    Grommash Hellscream is Born
    Life, Birth

  • 13 BFW

    Velen's Audience
    Gathering / Conference

    Two young orcs, Orgrim Doomhammer and Durotan, are saved from an ogre by a group of draenei. The draenei invite them to the nearby settlement of Telmor, where Velen requests an audience with them before the two orcs are escorted back to the borders of Gorgrond.

  • 12 BFW

    Burning Legion discovers the Draenei
    Discovery, Exploration

    Talgath discovers the draenei civilization on Draenor. Kil'jaeden commands him to observe the inhabitants of the world for the time being.

  • 11 BFW

    Battle of Bladespire
    Military action

    The final conflict between the Bladespire ogres and the Frostwolf clans. The mok'nathal are liberated and ogres start to integrate into the Horde.

  • 10 BFW

    Medivh Discovers Draenor
    Discovery, Exploration

    Medivh continues to study demonic lore and Azerothian history and becomes convinced that the world is inherently flawed, too divided by petty rivalries to ever unite into a single force in case of a demonic invasion. He concludes that he needs an army to change things and begins venturing out into the cosmos, eventually discovering Draenor and the orcs.

    Additional timelines
  • 10 BFW

    Rise of Gul'dan
    Life, Supernatural

    The orc Gul'dan is exiled from his clan and seeks out the Throne of the Elements, where the elements reject him. Kil'jaeden reaches out to him and grants him the power of fel magic in exchange for agreeing to help the Burning Legion manipulate the orcs against the draenei. Gul'dan accepts, becoming the first orcish warlock.

  • 9 BFW

    Kosh'harg Outbreak
    Plague / Epidemic

    Gul'dan inundates the Throne of the Elements with fel magic, throwing the elements into disarray across the world, and also uses his magic to create the worst outbreak of the red pox in orcish history. Many orcs contract the plague at the Kosh'harg festival. Under the leadership of the Frostwolf chieftain Garad, the plague bearers establish a village in Nagrand to quarantine the afflicted. The village is named Garadar in Garad's honor after he succumbs to the pox.

  • 8 BFW

    Bladewind Clan Assaults the Draenei
    Military action

    Gul'dan manipulates the Bladewind clan into launching raids on draenei caravans, killing and kidnapping dozens of draenei. Vindicator Maraad and the draenei retaliate and storm the Bladewind village, but when Maraad sees the corpse of his sister Leran he goes into a rampage across the village. Gul'dan kills the few surviving Bladewinds as they attempt to flee. He then returns to the Shadowmoon and tells of how the draenei launched an unprovoked massacre against the Bladewinds. Meanwhile, Kil'jaeden appears to Ner'zhul in his dreams, disguised as the spirit of his deceased mate Rulkan, and tells him that the draenei are planning to destroy the orcs. Ner'zhul calls for a clan meeting at Oshu'gun, where the orc chieftains agree to band together to defeat the draenei, marking the creation of the Horde.

  • 8 BFW

    Gul'dan joins the Shadowmoon Clan
    Life, Organisation Association

    Gul'dan returns to his home village and burns it and everyone within it to ash to prevent anyone from learning about his past. He then ventures to the Shadowmoon clan and convinces them to let him join them, claiming that his home village was destroyed by ogres. Gul'dan wins the friendship of the Shadowmoon chieftain, the shaman Ner'zhul, allowing Kil'jaeden to begin manipulating Ner'zhul's thoughts.

  • 7 BFW

    Aggression against the Draenei increase
    Military action

    The orcs begin launching sporadic attacks against draenei hunting parties. The draenei, assuming that the orcs have simply been agitated by the elemental turmoil, begin organizing and constructing new defenses.

  • 7 BFW


    Gul'dan takes control of Shadowmoon
    Gathering / Conference

    Ner'zhul's apprehension about the war with the draenei grows. Kil'jaeden appears to him in the form of Rulkan and tells him of powerful beings who could aid the orcs, and the night after Kil'jaeden appears again as a radiant elemental entity and urges him to push the Horde to victory and exterminate the draenei. Ner'zhul secretly embarks on a journey to Oshu'gun to seek the guidance of the ancestors, but Kil'jaeden is aware of his plans and tells Gul'dan to gather allies to control the Shadowmoon, since Ner'zhul can no longer be relied upon. Gul'dan recruits Teron'gor and several other shaman and begin teaching them fel magic.

  • 7 BFW


    Nur'zhul learns the truth
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    At Oshu'gun, the real Rulkan and the other ancestors tell Ner'zhul that he was being manipulated by Kil'jaeden and condemn the shaman for having been used by the demon lord. Ner'zhul falls into despair and is captured by Gul'dan's followers, who treat him as little more than a slave.

  • 6 BFW

    A Warchief is Chosen
    Political event

    Displeased by the disarray and infighting in the Horde, Kil'jaeden commands Gul'dan to find a single, true leader for the orcs — a warchief. Gul'dan convinces Blackhand to take up the position after training some of the Blackrock clan's shaman how to wield fel magic and magically age young orcs, including Blackhand's young sons, Dal'rend and Maim.

  • 6 BFW


    Whiteclaw Disgraced
    Life, Death

    Zagrel, Chieftain of the Whiteclaw clan, is assassinated by Garona on behalf of Gul'dan for speaking out against the Horde.

  • 6 BFW


    The Shadow Council
    Gathering / Conference

    Gul'dan forms the Shadow Council to watch over the orcs and includes Blackhand in the organization, but Gul'dan's trusted Shadowmoon warlocks secretly form the inner circle of the organization. The warlock recruits new members for the council, including Cho'gall and Garona, and creates a group called the necrolytes.

  • 5 BFW

    A Warchief is Throned
    Political event

    At a clan meeting at Oshu'gun, Gul'dan persuades many shaman into becoming warlocks and convinces the clan chieftains to unanimously vote for Blackhand as their warchief.

  • 5 BFW


    Hellfire Citadel
    Construction beginning/end

    Blackhand orders the construction of the Hellfire Citadel and organizes the various clans into specific roles within the Horde. He also forms a new clan known as the Black Tooth Grin and names Eitrigg, Orgrim Doomhammer and Varok Saurfang as his lieutenants in the Blackrock clan.

  • 5 BFW


    The Curse of the Fel
    Civil action

    Blackhand sends warlocks to magically age the adolescents of other clans. The orcs' skin begins to turn a sickly green.

  • 5 BFW


    Twilight's Hammer

    Cho'gall recruits the pale orcs into the Horde and forms the Twilight's Hammer clan.

  • 4 BFW

    Draenei Grow Desperate

    The draenei's morale begins to falter as the orcs launch coordinated assaults on minor settlements and outposts across the dying world. Velen and the exarchs, knowing that their only chance of survival is to hold off the onslaught and hope that the Burning Legion does not launch a full-scale invasion, order their forces to withdraw to Shattrath and Karabor. The elemental spirits pool their power into the mighty Firelord, Cyrukh, to stop the desecration of the land.

  • 4 BFW


    Assault of Karabor
    Military action

    The orcs gather for an assault on Karabor. Cyrukh appears in a nearby volcano to confront them, but Gul'dan and his warlocks gather on the volcano's slopes to shatter the being's physical form and infuse its power into the orcs, shattering the last connection between the orcs and the elements. The volcano becomes known as the Hand of Gul'dan.   The draenei hold the orcish assault at bay for a time but are defeated when the Horde uses the power of the Dark Star to kill or drive insane many of the defenders and permanently darken Karabor, turning it into the Black Temple. Velen and the survivors manage to flee via the harbor

  • 3 BFW

    The Blood of Mannoroth
    Disaster / Destruction

    The orcs gather at a mountain near the Citadel and drink the blood of Mannoroth at Gul'dan's urging. Durotan forbids the Frostwolves from drinking after having received an anonymous message from Ner'zhul, while Orgrim refuses out of suspicion for the growing corruption of the orcs and Draenor. Those who do drink the blood are driven into a ferocious bloodlust and march against Shattrath as Gul'dan infuses the mountain with fel energy, transforming it into the Throne of Kil'jaeden.

  • 3 BFW


    Birth of the Mag'har

    The victims of the red pox quarantined in Garadar remain isolated from the fel corruption, leading them to become known as the Mag'har, "Uncorrupted".

  • 3 BFW


    Siege of Shattrath
    Military action

    Velen leads many Shattrath civilians to a refuge in Telredor. The orcs launch an assault on Shattrath, unleashing the red mist against the draenei. Before long, the city falls to the Horde.

  • 3 BFW


    Fall of Archindoun
    Disaster / Destruction

    Many of the survivors retreat to Auchindoun. Teron'gor and other Shadow Council agents are dispatched to the mausoleum, but when they are repelled by the draenei and Auchindoun's spirits they attempt to summon a powerful demon to aid them. Instead, they accidentally summon Murmur, whose arrival blasts Auchindoun apart and levels the surrounding forests. The warlocks bind Murmur within Auchindoun to prevent it from wreaking havoc on the Horde.

  • 2 BFW

    Birth of the Broken
    Plague / Epidemic

    More draenei survivors arrive at Telredor. The ones afflicted by the red mist mutate into Broken, and the populace of Telredor exile them into the wilds out of fear that the condition might spread. Some Broken continue to degrade into Lost Ones.

  • 2 BFW


    The Horde's Aggression Rises
    Military action

    Blackhand turns his attention on Draenor's other inhabitants. Kilrogg Deadeye and the Bleeding Hollow clan launch a campaign against Farahlon, while Grommash Hellscream and Cho'gall topple Highmaul. Elsewhere, the Frostwolf, Whiteclaw and Thunderlord clans are charged with hunting down the ogres, ogron, gronn and magnaron, though only the Thunderlords obey.

  • 2 BFW


    Siege of Skyreach
    Military action

    Kargath Bladefist leads a force to conquer the arakkoa capital, Skyreach. The orcs ally with the Outcast arakkoa, who agree to infiltrate Skyreach and sabotage the high arakkoa's superweapon. Kargath and his forces then slaughter high and cursed arakkoa alike, casting some of the former into Sethekk Hollow. These cursed high arakkoa rally under Grizzik, who leads his people to take refuge in Auchindoun.

  • 2 BFW


    The Orcs Grow Desperate
    Disaster / Destruction

    Kil'jaeden ceases to communicate with Gul'dan on Sargeras' orders. The orcs begin to flounder on Draenor as the world slowly dies. The threat of starvation causes the orcs to hunt many of Draenor's native creatures to extinction and begin fighting amongst themselves.

  • 1 BFW

    Medivh Contacts the Orcs
    Diplomatic action

    Medivh appears to Gul'dan and the Shadow Council and tells them of Azeroth, as well as showing a vision of the Tomb of Sargeras to Gul'dan.

    Additional timelines
  • 1 BFW


    The Dark Portal
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction of the Dark Portal begins on Draenor. Once finished, millions of draenei and orcs are sacrificed to open the portal.

  • 5 AFW

    The Death Knights
    Scientific achievement

    Gul'dan creates the first death knights.

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