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History of Azeroth

Similar to the warcraft timeline, this is the canonical timeline used in my games with my players. Items that differ from the official timeline will be marked with an asterisk. From Cataclysm onward the timelines will start to diverge.


... 7000 BFW

Events from long ago, the dates here are approximations and details are vague. Any dates before 150,000 AE should not be taken as fact, as they happened so long ego the exact date is impossible to know.

  • 5000000 BFW

    Origins of the Universe
    Era beginning/end

    The universe is created from the clash of The Light and The Void.   It is unknown how long ago this happened.

    Additional timelines
  • 2000000 BFW

    The Rise of Demons
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Demons arise in the Twisting Nether.

    Additional timelines
  • 900000 BFW

    Sargeras and the Betrayer
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Sargeras betrays the Pantheon and creates the Burning Legion.

    Additional timelines
  • 800000 BFW

    The coming of the Old Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Old Gods arrive on Azeroth.

  • 700000 BFW

    Wrath of the Titan-Forged
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Titans find Azeroth, and create the Titan-Forged to combat the Old Gods.

  • 600000 BFW

    The Ordering of Azeroth
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Life is seeded on Azeroth by the Keepers.

  • 500000 BFW

    Charge of the Dragonflights
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Keepers create the Dragon Aspects

  • 150000 BFW

    Earliest Known Date
    Era beginning/end

    The creation of the contents of Mosh'Ogg Bounty, determined through the use of a carbon-dating elixir, tells us the world is more than 150,000 years old. It is believed the bounty was created by the Old Gods.

  • 16000 BFW

    Rise of the Trolls
    Technological achievement

    The Trolls arise on primordial Kalimdor and establish their civilization, later forming the Empire of Zul to combat the Aqir.

  • 15999 BFW

    The Aqir Troll War
    Military action

    The Trolls wage war against the Empire of Azj'Aqir, and win. The surviving remnants of the Aqir flee to form the colonies of Ahn'Qiraj and Azjol-Nerub.

  • 15000 BFW

    The Curse of Flesh
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Curse of Flesh starts to affect the Vrykul, causing their offspring to be born stunted and weak.

  • 15000 BFW

    Rise of the Kaldorei

    The Kaldorei awaken on the shores of the Well of Eternity. Blessed by their goddess Elune, they create a large and grand empire.

  • 13500 BFW

    Glory of the Highborne
    Cultural event

    The Kaldorei begin to actively study and practice arcane magic. They bend magic to their will and use it to build beautiful cities, craft artifacts, and reshape the land itself. Some Kaldorei resist the lure to use the Well of Eternity's power and warn others of the dangers of abusing it. Their warnings go unheeded as the upper-class Kaldorei begin to refer to themselves as the Highborne and revel in the use of magic.

  • 12000 BFW

    Founding of Eldre'Thalas

    The Highborne city of Eldre'Thalas is found in the forest Feralas by the Shen'dralar.

  • 10000 BFW

    The War of the Ancients
    Military action

    Sargeras senses the Highborne's use of the Well of Eternity and decides to invade Azeroth. Corrupting Queen Azshara and her followers, a portal is opened through which the Burning Legion enters the world and lays waste to the Kaldorei civilization.

  • 9999 BFW

    The First Lunar Festival
    Cultural event

    The first Lunar Festival is held, celebraiting the triumph of the native peoples of Azeroth over the Burning Legion. It is also a time to seek out spiritual guidance and wisdom from one's elders.

  • 9999 BFW

    Mount Hyjal and Illidan's Gift
    Construction beginning/end

    Illidan creates a new Well of Eternity on the peaks of Mount Hyjal believing himself to have made a gift for future generations. For his crimes, he was sentenced to life imprisonment underground under the watch of Maiev Shadowsong and her wardens. Fearful of the Legion's return due to the new well, Malfurion Stormrage asked the Dragon Aspects for aid. Together the druids, Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Nozdormu created Nordrassil, the Tree of Eternity. With it, the Kaldorei became immortal and the powers of arcane magic weakened.

  • 9999 BFW

    The Sundering of the World
    Disaster / Destruction

    Several Kaldorei led by Malfurion Stormrage are able to destroy the Well of Eternity, preventing Sargeras from entering the world, and stopping the Legion's invasion. However, this also creates a massive cataclysm known as the Sundering, where eighty percent of Kalimdor's landmass is plunged between the waves, leaving only a handful of isolated continents.

  • 9400 BFW

    Kaldorei Reformation
    Gathering / Conference

    The burgeoning night elf society expands into the dense forests of Ashenvale. Tyrande Whisperwind positions the Sisterhood of Elune as the leaders of the night elf government and military. The Sentinels are created to protect their emergent society. Malfurion Stormrage begins to train other druids.

  • 9300 BFW

    The War of the Satyr
    Military action

    Corrupted Night Elves, called Satyr, aided by the demon remnants waged war against the new Kaldorei Theocracy. The satyrs were pushed out of Ashenvale and went into hiding.

  • 7300 BFW

    The Sentinels and The Long Vigil
    Religious event

    As part of their pact with the Dragonflights for the creation of Nordrassil, the druids entered into a deep hibernation to help maintain the Emerald Dream. Thus it became standard for priestesses of Elune to also be trained as soldiers, these Sentinals would patrol the forests and watch over their homes and sleeping kin.

  • 7300 BFW

    6800 BFW

    Exile of the High Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Highborne were growing restless, falling victim to withdrawal to arcane magic. Tempted to tap into the energies of the new Well of Eternity, they began challenging the druids and priestesses publicly calling them cowards. It all came to a head when the Highborne unleashed a massive magical storm upon Ashenvale, and unable to put so many of their kind to death, the Highborne were exiled from Kalimdor forever.

The New World

6800 BFW 1 BFW

Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, and Humans live together in The Eastern Kingdoms.

  • 6800 BFW

    The Founding Of Quel'Thalas

    The High Elves found the seat of their new nation, at the cost of war with the forest trolls. Fearful of another attack by the Legion, the elves created barriers to hide themselves, and created the arcane font of power the Sunwell, made from only a single drop of the Well of Eternity.

  • 6000 BFW

    The Tragedy of Crystalsong Forest
    Disaster / Destruction

    The elves of Shandaral in Northrend unleash a disastrous spell during their fight against the blue dragonflight, cursing Moonsong Forest and turning it into Crystalsong Forest.

  • 4500 BFW

    Staghelm's Ward
    Civil action

    Without permission from the Cenarion Circle, Fandral Staghelm plants branches from Nordrassil in Duskwood, Hinterlands, Feralas, Crystalsong Forest, Ashenvale, and the last one in Grizzly Hills to protect those areas from the Old Gods.

  • 4500 BFW

    4495 BFW

    Taunka - Forest Nymph War
    Military action

    Peaceful coexistence between the Tuanka and forest nymphs in Northrend ended suddenly with years of brutal and bloody conflicts. It was discovered that madness had come to the two peoples due to the corruption of Andrassil, the world tree Staghelm planted in Grizzly Hills. The night elves cut down the tree, to try and stop the spred, resulting in the creation of Vordrassil.

  • 4000 BFW

    Frostsabers join the Kaldorei Theocracy
    Civil action

    Tyrande Whisperwind saves the frostsaber queen, Shy-Rotam, from the frostmaul giants. The frostsabers become allies of the night elves, serving the military as mounts and scouts for the Sentinels.

  • 3000 BFW

    Barrow Deeps are sealed shut
    Civil action

    The Barrow Deeps, which house slumbering druids, under Mount Hyjal are sealed shut to protect the druids inside. They will not be disturbed until the third war comes to Kalimdor.

  • 3000 BFW

    The Curse of Flesh
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Curse of Flesh afflicts the Mekans, turning them into gnomes. The gnomes leave their home and arrive in Dun Morogh, forgetting their heritage.

  • 2800 BFW

    The Troll Wars
    Military action

    Humans in the northern lands of the Eastern Kingdoms unite and form the kingdom of Arathor. They lend their help to the high elves of Quel'Thalas, and together they defeat the Amani trolls. In return for their help, the elves start teaching arcane magic and their religion, the Holy Light, to humans.

  • 2700 BFW

    Arathor Expansion

    The kingdom of Arathor expands, founding the settlements in Alterac, Tirisfal Glades, Gilneas, Kul Tiras, and Dalaran.

  • 2680 BFW

    The Guardians of Tirisfal
    Gathering / Conference

    The reckless use of magic by humans draws the attention of demons from the Burning Legion, and they start manifesting in Azeroth. Mages from Dalaran form the Council of Tirisfal to secretly fight and contain the demons, without alerting the general population.

  • 2610 BFW

    The First Guardian
    Life, Career

    The Council of Tirisfal finds a way to empower a champion permanently with their powers, in order to fight threats that the Council can't handle by themselves. Thus the office of the Guardian of Tirisfal is created, with Alodi becoming the first Guardian. Each new Guardian takes the mantle for a hundred years, before passing their powers to an apprentice.

  • 2500 BFW

    The Awakening of the Dwarves

    The dwarves awaken in Uldaman, migrating west and founding Khaz Modan. They establish the city of Ironforge and assist the nearby gnomes in founding Gnomeregan.

  • 1500 BFW

    The Gurubashi Civil War
    Military action

    The Gurubashi Civil War is fought between the Atal'ai Hakkari, followers of the loa Hakkar, and the rest of the Gurubashi. With help from the Zandalari, the Atal'ai fanatics are defeated and banished from Stranglethorn Vale.

  • 1200 BFW

    Betrayal at Eldre'Thalas
    Disaster / Destruction

    After living hidden in Eldre'Thalas since the Sundering, Tortheldrin and his followers kill most of their Shen'dralar elven kin in order to hoard the demon Immol'thar's power for themselves. Most of the city is abandoned, and other creatures start moving in.

  • 1200 BFW

    The Seven Kingdoms

    The human kingdoms of Lordaeron, Alterac, Gilneas, Dalaran, and Stromgarde are formed on continental Lordaeron, north of Khaz Modan. The kingdom of Stormwind is formed on continental Azeroth. The kingdom of Kul Tiras is formed off of the coast of Khaz Modan.

  • 1100 BFW

    Desolation of Kalimdor
    Disaster / Destruction

    The tauren inadvertently awaken the slumbering Princess Theradras, who drains the fertile lands of Mashan'she of energy, turning the region into a barren plain later called Desolace. Zaetar arrives to investigate but falls in love with Theradras, and from their union the centaur are born. After killing their father, the centaur proliferate across Desolace and begin hunting down the tauren, igniting a long and bloody war between the two races. Maraudon, the site of Zaetar's tomb, becomes treated as holy ground by the centaur.

  • 1000 BFW

    Stormrage's Slumber
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Malfurion Stormrage meets with Tyrande Whisperwind for the last time until the Third War. Malfurion enters his hibernation within the Moonglade Barrows.

  • 975 BFW

    War of Shifting Sands
    Military action

    C'Thun and the qiraji awaken and attack Kalimdor. Fandral Staghelm leads night elves and dragons against the qiraji, pushing them back to the desert of Silithus. They are successful in sealing them within Ahn'Qiraj, but Fandral's son Valstann is slain in battle.

  • 823 BFW

    Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt
    Military action

    Aegwynn, Guardian of Tirisfal, battles and defeats an avatar of Sargeras in the Dragonblight. She buries the remains of the avatar in the Tomb of Sargeras in the sunken ruins of Suramar. Sargeras' spirit, however, hides itself inside Aegwynn.

  • 700 BFW

    Sholazar Waygate
    Technological achievement

    The Waygate between Sholazar Basin and Un'Goro Crater is activated for the last time until the war against the Lich King.

  • 600 BFW

    Aegwynn's Folly
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Aegwynn decides to stay as the Guardian of Tirisfal indefinitely, partly due to her concerns about the Council of Tirisfal meddling with the politics of different nations, and partly due to Sargeras' influence. She builds Karazhan as her secret abode, but after the Tirisgarde find her, she relocates her sanctum to an unknown location.

  • 501 BFW

    The Farstiders
    Gathering / Conference

    The high elven Farstriders are officially formed.

  • 500 BFW

    Leviroth's Imprisonment
    Civil action

    Queen Azshara imprisons the kraken Leviroth in the waters of the Riplash Ruins and blesses the trident of Riplash's emperor Raj Naz'jan so it can slay the monster if it ever escapes.

  • 400 BFW

    Odyssy of the Gnomes

    The last gnome king, King Mechagon, leads his followers in search of a mystical land of technology.

  • 231 BFW

    The Earthen Ring

    A group of tauren founded the order of the Earthen Ring to lead their people with wisdom and maintain the harmony between the elemental spirits.

  • 230 BFW

    War of the Three Hammers
    Military action

    After the death of High King Modimus Anvilmar, the Bronzebeards, the Wildhammers and the Dark Irons start a war over control of Ironforge. The Bronzebeards eventually win; the Wildhammers relocate to Grim Batol, while the Dark Irons become enslaved by Ragnaros under the newly-created Blackrock Mountain.

  • 100 BFW

    Rise of the Goblins

    The goblins of Kezan, granted heightened intelligence by the kaja'mite ore, break free of their slavery under the Zandalari and establish various cartels.

  • 75 BFW

    The Gnoll Wars
    Military action

    United under Garfang, the various gnoll tribes wage a war against the Kingdom of Stormwind. King Barathen Wrynn defeats Gorfang in battle, winning the war. The tribes fall to infighting, and have never again united.

  • 75 BFW

    Kel'Theril Expedition

    A small group of high elves leave Quel'Thalas and travel to Winterspring in search of the mysteries of Kel'Theril, but end up discovering shards of the shattered Crystal of Zin-Malor. The expedition leader, Archmage Maenius, is corrupted by the shards and drives the elves to madness.

  • 45 BFW

    Medivh is Born
    Life, Birth

    Aegwynn and Nielas Aran conceive Medivh. Aegwynn hides the power of the Guardian of Tirisfal inside him, to be activated when he reaches maturity. Sargeras' spirit, which was hiding inside Aegwynn, possesses the infant.

  • 31 BFW

    Medivh Awakens
    Life, Supernatural

    On the eve of his fourteenth birthday, Medivh's dormant powers awake and lash out, killing his father Nielas. Medivh lies dormant for many years after this, tended to by clerics at Northshire Abbey.

  • 21 BFW

    Gurubashi Raids
    Military action

    Medivh awakens from his coma. The Gurubashi trolls begin launching raids on human settlements in retaliation for the humans pushing farther and farther south into Gurubashi territory. King Barathen dispatches soldiers to intercept raiding parties but forbids them from striking into Gurubashi lands.

  • 19 BFW

    Jok'non Assassination
    Military action

    After a gruesome attack on three Westfall towns by the Gurubashi, Medivh and his two friends Anduin Lothar and Prince Llane Wrynn sneak into Stranglethorn to assassinate the Gurubashi leader, Jok'non. They succeed, but only after Medivh unleashes his full might as a Guardian.

  • 18 BFW

    The Gurubashi War
    Military action

    The Gurubashi rally under Jok'non's son, Zan'non, and march to war against Stormwind, launching an attack on Stormwind City itself. Barathen dies during the battle and Llane is forced to convince Medivh to unleash his full Guardian powers to repel the attack. Llane, Medivh and Anduin are hailed as heroes by the kingdom.

  • 17 BFW

    Medivh moves to Karazhan
    Life, Relocation

    Medivh is confronted by his mother Aegwynn at Karazhan. She urges him to isolate himself from the world and leaves him with a caretaker, Moroes. The Council of Tirisfal discover Medivh and begin sending apprentices to study under him, but none last for longer than a day. Moroes notices Medivh's ever-darkening mood and convinces him to begin launching banquets and feasts to lift his spirits.

  • 10 BFW

    Medivh Discovers Draenor
    Discovery, Exploration

    Medivh continues to study demonic lore and Azerothian history and becomes convinced that the world is inherently flawed, too divided by petty rivalries to ever unite into a single force in case of a demonic invasion. He concludes that he needs an army to change things and begins venturing out into the cosmos, eventually discovering Draenor and the orcs.

    Additional timelines
  • 10 BFW

    Varian Wrynn is Born
    Life, Birth

  • 1 BFW

    Medivh Contacts the Orcs
    Diplomatic action

    Medivh appears to Gul'dan and the Shadow Council and tells them of Azeroth, as well as showing a vision of the Tomb of Sargeras to Gul'dan.

    Additional timelines
  • 1 BFW


    The Dark Portal
    Construction beginning/end

    Medivh begins construction on The Dark Portal. Once finished, he uses his incredible Guardian powers to open the portal.

Great Wars

0 BFW 24 AFW

Three great wars ravage the Eastern Kingdoms, during the Burning Legion's second and third invasions of Azeroth.

  • 0 BFW

    The First Great War
    Military action

    It is the year 592 of the King's Calendar. Though the people do not yet know it, Azeroth is once again under invasion by the Burning Legion.

  • 0 BFW


    The Horde Invades Azeroth
    Military action

    The Horde enter through the Dark Portal into Black Morass and small skirmishes break out with the humans. Rumors spread of monsters in the swamp; most are dismissed as tales.

  • 0 BFW


    Durotan Speaks Out Against Blackhand
    Population Migration / Travel

    Durotan speaks out against Blackhand for the brutality against the humans. As punishment, the Frostwolves are banished from the Horde. They begin to sneak north in search of a new home.

  • 0 BFW


    The Horde Marches North
    Military action

    Blackhand orders the Horde push north and east, far into Stormwind's territories. Many villages and towns are destroyed.

  • 0 BFW


    Bleeding Hollow - Gurubashi Stalemate
    Military action

    The Bleeding Hollow clan pushes into Stranglethorn but are met with strong resistance from the Gurubashi, and eventually retreat.

  • 1 AFW

    The Northshire Clerics Enter the Battle
    Military action

    To combat the Horde, the Northshire Clerics begin entering the battlefield, the humans' first view of a priest on the frontlines. Thus began a human tradition of fielding priests of the Holy Light on the frontlines to protect and heal their troops.

  • 1 AFW


    Cho'gall's New Masters
    Life, Organisation Association

    The Old Gods begin contacting Cho'gall and the Twilight's Hammer clan. Cho'gall agrees to follow the Horde, but only for his own motives.

  • 1 AFW


    Frostwolve's New Home

    The Frostwolves arrive in Alterac Valley, having almost entirely avoided Azeroth's other races thanks to protection from the elements.

  • 1 AFW


    Thrall is Born
    Life, Birth

    Given the name Go'el by his parents Durotan and Draka, he was given the name Thrall by his human master after being made a slave.    Thrall would later keep his slave name, continuing to use it with pride.

  • 1 AFW


    Durotan Meets with Doomhammer
    Disaster / Destruction

    Shocked at their child's green skin, Durotan sends messages through the elements to meet with Orgrim near Loch Modan. The two meet to discuss this revelation and go their separate ways. Orgrim sends his most trusted friends with Durotan and his wife, Draka, for protection, but they turn out to be loyal to Gul'dan. They murder Durotan and Draka and leave Thrall for dead, but the infant is soon found by Aedelas Blackmoore.

  • 3 AFW

    Redridge Falls to the Horde
    Military action

    The Horde takes the Redridge Mountains, razing Lakeshire and taking Blackrock Mountain.

  • 3 AFW


    Shadow Council moves to Blackrock
    Gathering / Conference

    The Shadow Council moves their operations to Blackrock Mountain. The Horde soon comes into confrontation with the Dark Iron dwarves living under the mountain.

  • 3 AFW


    Siege of Stormwind
    Military action

    The Horde begins their first siege of Stormwind. Unable to defeat the powerful Knights of Stormwind, it's met as a stalemate and the Horde retreat.

  • 3 AFW


    Garona meets with the King
    Diplomatic action

    Garona is allowed entrance to Stormwind by the word of Khadgar, who warns King Llane about Medivh's fall to the Legion.

  • 3 AFW


    Khadgar and Gorana fight Medivh
    Military action

    Khadgar and Garona go to confront Medivh and a battle ensues. Sargeras' spirit, still inside Medivh, magically ages Khadgar well past his prime. Gul'dan sees the battle through Garona's eyes and frantically connects with Medivh, mulling through the Guardian's memories for more details on the Tomb of Sargeras' location. Khadgar slays Medivh and Gul'dan is put into a coma. The death of Medivh, whose body was still infused with fel, caused a catastrophic explosion, scorching the land around Karazhan into Deadwind Pass and cursing Brightwood into Duskwood.

  • 3 AFW


    Orgrim Challenges Blackhand
    Political event

    Seeing the Shadow Council's weakness after Gul'dan's coma, Orgrim challenges Blackhand to a mak'gora. The duel ends in Orgrim crushing Blackhand's skull with his family heirloom, the Doomhammer.   Orgrim Doomhammer is throned Warchief.

  • 3 AFW


    Death of King Llane
    Life, Death

    Garona and Khadgar return to Stormwind to inform Llane of the Guardian's death. In the battle, however, Gul'dan had implanted thoughts of killing allies into Garona's mind. These messages flared bright in her head once more, and she assassinates Llane.

  • 3 AFW


    Second Siege of Stormwind
    Military action

    Stormwind comes under siege from the Horde and the front gates fall. The city falls to fire, and Lothar is forced to gather what refugees he can and flee north.

  • 4 AFW

    The Second Great War
    Military action

    As word of Stormwind's destruction spreads across the continent, nations start to fear the might of the Horde. Some surrender to them without a fight, others are crushed as they try to resist. If not for the Alliance of Lordaeron, the Horde might have never been defeated.

  • 4 AFW


    Refugees Arrive in Lordaeron
    Population Migration / Travel

    Stormwind's refugees arrive in Lordaeron and the human nations plan their next move.

  • 4 AFW


    The Horde Regroups
    Military action

    The Horde gathers resources and plan their next conquest in pursuit of the refugees.

  • 4 AFW


    The Demon Soul
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Demon Soul is found by orcish warlocks in Redridge. Alexstrasza senses this and comes to investigate.

  • 4 AFW


    The Council of Seven Nations
    Gathering / Conference

    The human nations form the Council of Seven Nations, comprised of the kingdoms of Alterac, Dalaran, Gilneas, Kul Tiras, Lordaeron, the remnants of Stormwind, and Stormgarde. This planted the seeds for the creation of the Alliance.

  • 5 AFW

    The Death Knights
    Scientific achievement

    Gul'dan creates the first death knights.

    Additional timelines
  • 5 AFW


    The Horde takes Khaz Modan
    Military action

    The Horde pushes north, conquering Khaz Modan and trapping the dwarves and gnomes within Ironforge and Gnomeregan.

  • 5 AFW


    The Orcish Fleet
    Construction beginning/end

    Orgrim builds the orcish fleet in present-day Menethil Harbor, planning to sail around the Thandol Span and into Hillsbrad.

  • 5 AFW


    The Alliance of Lordaeron

    Khadgar and Lothar assist in rallying the human nations into the Alliance.

  • 15 AFW

    Birth of Anduin Llane Wrynn
    Life, Birth