
Shrines or Temples are buildings where followers of the faith of St. Lucia the Spiritwalker, as well as priests/priestesses of the faith work to maintain the balance between our Mortal Realm and the Realm of Divine Creation.

Purpose / Function

Temples existed long before St. Lucia and her followers came. Before St. Lucia, the world had many schools of thought and understanding which competed with each other over methods, philosphies, ideas, etc. This led to a division in human understanding that has continued to divide the world to this day. Under St. Lucia, however, many of these temples were converted or destroyed during the rise of her school of thought throughout the continent.   The purpose of the temples under St. Lucia's watch are to maintain the connection between the Mortal Realm and the Realm of Divine Creation and to ensure the purity of the Animas who enter into our realm.


Temples on the continent vary in both size and architecture due to the differences in cultures, understanding, and intrepretations. Commonly, the smallest temples are shrines and are usually seen as small roadside gazebos or roughly the size of a small home with a residence nearby to help maintain it. The largest are massive cathedrals that take up whole city blocks and act as libraries of information rather than places of worship. Containing historical copies of the Iternitus Magna as well as historical translations, and books of intrepretations, philosphies, etc. Many cathedrals rose around the end of St. Lucia's life from the remnant schools of ththough and acted more as publishing buildings than worship centers. It was this origin that led to their utility as schools and librarys more than worship.


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