St. Lucia the Spiritwalker

Saintess Lucia, known as Lucia the Spiritwalker, Lucia the Fair, Lucia the Savior, Lucia the Lightbearer, as well as other official titles, however few know her true name of Imogen. Saintess Lucia wrote the Iternitus Magna, based on her journeys and sacrifices she made for humanity. Later in life, she would help found the leading religion on the continent of Azora, before disappearing into the Realm of Divine Creation.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Saintess Lucia was born under the name Imogen and, according to historical scholars, was the third daughter of a wealthy noble family in an unknown region. In -43, ruin came to her family when her father, in defense of their homeland, was killed by an invading army. Her mother would later commit suicide along with her older sister. Imogen, along with her sister, were captured by this army and sold into slavery. Imogen and her sister bounced throughout the enemy empire for much of her young life before becoming a servant to a Primus Pilus.   Under the Pilus, Imogen recieved an education in civility, religious studies, and warfare. At the time, the empire's primary ideals were strength and warfare as they combatted, captured, and killed both enemy nations and Animas, which they saw as monsters and demons that devoured souls. As a servant, Imogen was required to service her master even in the heat of battle, and thus saw these creatures firsthand.   Following a bloody battle, which led to the death of Primus Pilus and the dispersal of their unit, Imogen was left behind and wandered the battlefield for days. She was later discovered by a wounded Animas. The creature, in pain, spoke to her and the two bonded over their shared suddering.   According to the Book of Pacts, Imogen bound herself to this Animas and, with their combined strength, walked to the capital of the region together. Over the next few years, Imogen would travel from city to city to discuss with people why they hated the Animas, debating with them on what she had learned. However, she struggled as she did not know nor understand the way of spirits. Eventually, her words of heresey reached local authories and she was arrested and thrown in jail, awaiting trial and execution. Realizing her end was near, she spoke with her Animas and asked to see their world and their people. However, the Animas explained that one cannot simply return to the Realm of Divine Creation, a great sacrifice must be made. Imogen, desperate to help, tells the spirit that she will take responsibility for the blood spilled by Primus Pilus and all men of his unit. The spirit, surprised, contempted this and accepted. Imogen, according to history, disappeared for one year with no record of her being outside of the Iternitus Magna. Imogen returned, claiming to have gone to the Realm of Divine Creation and been in conference with the Great Divinitas for several years.   For the next ten years, she traveled the empire and spoke her truth and the truth of the Animas and Divinitas, debating every school of though that challenged her. According to some stories, during this time she also: stopped a great flood, ending a year-long wildfire, brokered a peace between two rival families, as well as started a cult of thought in the empire. She was asked to return to the Realm of Divine Creation, by her followers, to assist in the creation of a holy rite or a set of laws and rules for the cult to follow. Imogen, at this time, was reluctant but accepted due to the nature of her limited knowledge.   She ventured for seven years, however according to her journals, she was actually there for five decades, where she spoke to the Great Creator Spirit and listened to their wisdom. It was through this meeting that she committed to the ultimate sacrifice and took responsibility for the all the bloodshed by man against the Divinitas and the Animas since the dawn of time in order to help mend the bad blood between the two. She returned on the other side of the world and spent five years traveling home. Upon her return, her fellowship had been mostly culled. The empire cracking down on their followers with all but her inner circle having been either arrested or killed. At the day of their execution, Imogen returned, crossing over a great hill and using her sorcery to end the execution. Her return sparked rebellion throughout the empire and a massive civil war broke out, which ended the empire a decade later.   In her final years, Imogen, nearly 240 years old, had created a religous order that helped end myths and lies of the spirit realm as well as wrote the Iternitus Magna. Unaged since her 30s, Imogen realized she was no longer human and decided to stop meddling in the affairs of mortals. She left her twelve volumes behind and disappeared from the realm of the living, seemingly forever with the promise of her return should the deals between men and Animas ever end.
47 195 242 years old


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