House of Magni Organization in Azos | World Anvil
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House of Magni

The ever-present dukes of Albion and the ruling family of the Artorigan Empire: the House of Magni is one of, if not the most powerful family in Azos, and has maintained its uncontested control of the region for centuries since the days of the old Kingdom of Artoriga, even as far back as the Holy City of Albion. The House of Magni maintains good relationships with the Church of Zenith, and most other organisations tied to the faith    Magni's present leader is Artoriga's current emperor: Gustave XIII

Public Agenda

The House of Magni is the Imperial family of the Artorigan Empire, and thus seeks to maintain their claim on the throne and protect their territory from incoming threats. They also seek to maintain the empire's ties with both the Church of Zenith and all branches of the Artorigan military and nobility. Due to the empire's stance on upholding Zenithism as the state religion, the Magni's actively seek to crack down on any and all Adventists within their borders as subversive and heretical enemies of the state.   In part due to believing it themselves, the House of Magni are staunch supporters of the highly-revisionist and nationalist "Patriotic education" given to both nobles and commoners alike.


House Magni is able to trace its legitimacy to the famous warrior-monk, and later first commander of the Knights of Zenith: Artorigus I, who would supposedly be granted Divine Right over the northern half of the Vespertian continent by the Lord Zenith themself and unite the region under his rule from the Holy City of Albion. This young commander would eventually declare his new conquests as a "Kingdom under Zenith", and was said to have ruled wisely and justly for 50 years before passing away of old age. His son would later name the realm after his father: The Kingdom of Artoriga.   Over the intervening centuries, the newly established House Magni would gradually consolidate power from the church and began to transition the Kingdom to a more secular authority, though they still made sure to maintain Zenithism as the State Religion to keep the Church on their side. This would come to an end 20 years ago however, when King Gustave XIII declared the creation of the "Articles of Federalism": granting not only the church, but various nobles regardless of rank and even a new rising merchant class a parliament known as the Magisters' Council, effectively replacing the old royal court. This was done in order to galvanise support for a war with the neighbouring Principality of Dannan, as well as the numerous city-states on the Isle of Benada.   With the war won in mere months, in part due to Artoriga's mass-use of the new Airship technology, the creation of a puppet state in Benada and the complete annexation of Dannan, the Magni's had essentially solidified their power despite giving it up on paper. Almost immediately, King Gustave declared himself as Emperor of the new "Artorigan Empire", creating one of the largest and most powerful states in the world. With their conquest of the north squared off, they turned to their newest neighbours: the Kingdom of Carollingan and the Grand Duchy of Rovivia, vowing to "liberate their people from foreign tyranny", despite being arguably more tyrannical than their rivals.

By Zenith guided, shall Magni guide

Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Family Leader
Character flag image: by Hawkatana


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