Optional Spell: Reading Magic

You gain an understanding of the arcane tongue of ancient wizardry, granting you the ability to read magical script. You can read magical text, such as spell scrolls, a wizard’s spellbook, or ancient, magical writing. While this spell is in effect, you can read spell scrolls and cast the associated spell as if it were on your spell list. To do so, you must succeed on a spellcasting ability check with a DC equal to 10 + the level of the spell. If the spell is on your spell list but above your ability to cast, you have advantage on the ability check made to cast the spell.   You may also attempt to read dangerous or potentially dangerous magic writing -- such as that created by a glyph of warding spell -- without activating the detrimental effects. To do so, you must succeed on an Intelligence (Arcana) check with a DC equal to 11 + the level of the spell slot used to create the magical writing. If you succeed, you understand the writing, its trigger, and the effect of the danger without activating that effect. If you fail, you immediately activate the detrimental effect of the dangerous writing.   These optional rules are intended to add to the mysterious nature of magic without vastly increasing its complexity. While they do add to the ruleset, they do so in a way that is consistent with the core rules, and they can be used equally well in whole or in part, granting the game master any number of options for expanding the wonder of magic in their world.
Spell Level: 1st
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 10 Minutes
School: Divination
Attack/Save: None
Damage/Effect: Utility
Related Discipline
Bard, Warlock, Wizard


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