Aravu's First Satellites

"Is this real? We really did it?"   "It's real," Petal confirms, squeezing Nanatu's shoulder and shoving down their panic. "That's us. That's Aravu, from space. You did it."
  Recently, Aravu borrowed astronomical technology from Kivria which has allowed us to also study and, perhaps eventually, explore the cosmos. One of the first pieces of technology we borrowed and then adapted to our unique planetary conditions were the Kivir Satellites, including the staff and equipment necessary to launch them safely into orbit.  


The Kivir Satellites have provided us with several decades worth of invaluable information and continues to this day, making the collaboration between Kivrian astronomers and their Aravun understudies a roaring success. They have provided us with enormous amounts of data about the planet of Aravu's geography and climates, the details of its moon, the objects in its solar system, and beyond.  


Perhaps more important that the raw data that the Kivir Satellite has gathered is how the populace of Aravu has interpreted and reacted to it. Without the Kivir Satellites, we would not have definite proof of Aravu's rapidly cooling climate. The Advancing Frost is not only conjecture or pessimism on the part of scientists and farmers, but reality. This revelation sparked a great deal of debate and even panic before turning into determination and innovation.   The Kivir Satellites also continue to inspire awe. This awe stems from the tendency of the Yashelin and Fas civilizations who live on Aravu to stay put. When the first images of Aravu were revealed for the first time, the Yashelin and the Fas who call this planet their home had been forced to open their minds to Aravu's great vastness beyond their beloved, inevitably freezing Kotuye Continent.   The Kivir Satellites' social impact was not only limited to the information it gave the researchers and the community. Its success also established for the first time the viability of equal collaboration between the two planets, which has paved the way for a myriad of new and more advanced projects.
The first satelite image of Aravu, taken via the use of Kivrian technology.

Cover image: by Pramod Tiwari


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