The Advancing Frost

The planet of Aravu is currently in the midst of a major glacial period. At the same time, the Kotuye Continent is slowly but surely becoming the victim of continental drift towards Aravu's south pole. These two forces of nature combined have led to a steady northbound advance of Southern Kotuye's ice sheets, permafrost, and otherwise freezing conditions.   The civilizations of the Fas and the Yashelin have recorded declining temperatures, extreme winter weather, and an expanding frost season over the last few thousand years. It is not predicted to stop until the entire continent becomes a polar desert.   Unfortunately for the Yashelin and the Fas, they have never thought to leave their precious continent before. Now, they are forced to consider the question: do we evacuate our ancestral homes now or later? There is no easy answer to this question, but answer it they must, for the survival of entire civilizations depend upon it.
Kotuye Continent
Impacted Communities
Mapek Fas living in Southern Kotuye
Heshi Ariko
Everyone on the entire continent, eventually

Recent Events

Avalanche Disaster

A major avalanche descended in the northern Midland Valley. This avalanche fell significantly further north than any other recorded massive avalanche in the 500,000 years, when the Yashelin began to record such instances. Although the region is naturally prone to avalanches, they are typically rare and small in scope.   The avalanche likely would have gone unnoticed if it had occurred anywhere else. Tragically, it decimated the Mapek Fas settlements of Fashot and Mapoz. It also destroyed the southernmost station of the Chamatoye Public Railway. Rescue efforts for the residents of Fashot and Mapoz were made more difficult by a spate of blizzards.   The survivors have since been relocated into Provisional Lodging in Heshi Ariko until further notice.
Mapek Gens
Ethnicity | Jul 10, 2024

Experiments in Seafaring

The Babikiye Research Center and Maran Vela are currently negotiating a collaboration. This collaboration would provide the Aravun Yashelin and Fas with seafaring knowledge that will be desperately needed in order to leave the continent and explore the rest of the planet safely. More information coming soon.

Cover image: by Daniel Mirlea


Author's Notes

This is the start of an article for a significant aspect of my world.

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