
Dimas is a Fas person from the Mapek Gens, but is better known as the cursed Fas bastard who just can't seem to die when he ought.   Upon Dimas' "birth," the Mapek quickly claimed him as one their own. He rarely associates with them and, in fact, prefers gens other than his own. For one, it does not help that the Mapek are notoriously insular and deem anyone who leaves Southern Kotuye as an outcast and even a traitor. However, the real reason is because the Mapek council at the time had forced Dimas through horrifically painful rituals in an effort to create a long-lived Fas who could go toe-to-toe with the civilizations of the north on their behalf. The last of the rituals, the one that would have killed a normal Fas, involved fusing his spirit with a vimstone.   It only seemed to succeed because he is a Reincarnation of Bee, and would have lived a long life regardless. The next time he opened his eyes, he found himself at the Shrine of Creation with a confused Yashelin Altarkeeper named Shu staring down at him in consternation.   As suddenly as he had arrived, something painful twisted in his gut, and he found himself in Kivria somehow. And then in Aravu again, and then... A hand shook him out of this hellish oroboros, with a helpful-but-definitely-terrifying rock to the head when he appeared on Kivria next. Kiana screamed when he rematerialized again, fully alive and healthy minus the mental trauma.
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