Heshi Ariko Provisional Neighborhood

The city of Heshi Ariko has the largest and busiest neighborhood of Provisional Lodging out of all of the Aravun Yashelin settlements. Its busy atmosphere is amplified during the planting and harvest seasons, when farmers from all over descend upon the neighborhood. Although they live in the neighborhood in order to easily commute to their work each day during the on-season, they all also use it as an excuse to celebrate during the night.   Provisional lodging residents and regular Heshi Ariko citizens treat the planting and harvest season - but especially the harvest season - as a sort of extended festival that takes place each night, slowing to a stop in time with the work they perform during the day. At the peak of harvest season, almost everyone is outdoors until nearly midnight, enjoying the company of friends and colleagues, delicious food and drink, and entertainment from games and music.   Yashelin farmers, and by extension the rest of the Hesha Flock, typically start their work days later in the mornings. Otherwise, all of this late night partying would probably be too painful to sustain for some farmers, though certainly not all. Since planting and harvest both occur during the spring and fall, a later start is often the most tolerable, since the air is still crisp and cool even by noon, much more tolerable than other locations at that time of the year.   After the Aravun Civil War, these festivities have been a much duller affair than in the years previous. They have seen an uptake in excitement, however, as spirits mend, morale raises, and much of the once destroyed land recovers.


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