Kivrian Project

The Kivrian Project is the name for the Yashelin's early research into the Planet of Kivria's environment and, later, its people. Although it was formally a project under the purview of Heyir's Hesha Flock according to the Ida's command, Heyir quickly passed the task onto their Decenir, Areta Maikir.   Under Areta's leadership, the Kivrian Project flourished. The interdisciplinary team of Yashelin traveled far and wide, formally in the name of research. More often than not, however, Kivria became a pleasure and a freedom heretofore unknown on their home planet of Aravu. Dr. Opa Firalan, for example, took up a second life as a flautist rather than seriously pursue medicinal research with Sachi.   The largest technological advancement of the Yashelin came as a result of their research. Kivrian spirits powered their infrastructure, which freed the Yashelin to pursue other interests with the fullest of energy. In return, the Kivrian sophonts benefited from an afterlife rather than the oblivion of the past.   Thousands of years later, everything went sideways for the project.   Rather suddenly and as if overnight, the Yashelin discovered that they had become reproductively compatible with the Kivrian sophonts. The Astris were the beloved children of these unions, at least to their parents. To the Ida, however, something had gone very wrong in its universe without its input, subconscious or otherwise. To the Ida, the Astris were erroneous, impossible even. It named this species the Astris for what they were, to it: alien.   Despite all of its proven benefits over the years, the Kivrian Project ended abruptly and violently at the orders of the very same Ida that had commanded their adventures in the first place. Those who rebelled against the Ida's idict fell victim to the Astris Genocide.
Social group, adventuring party, researcher explorers
Alternative Names
The K.P.
Areta Maikir
Founding Members
Sachi, Maran Vela, and Tama
Successor Organization
Haven's Watch


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