Nanatu's Cane

Nanatu has a small, sturdy cane which travels with her wherever she goes. The purpose of the item is almost entirely intended to provide her with additional support and stability while walking since she is prone to balance issues. The cane also doubles as a cursed weapon, meant to provide her with an extra layer of protection should she need to defend herself.   The cane was whittled by Areta Maikir, her father, as a gift for her thirtieth birthday. Ozim Laila, her godmother, blessed the cane with permanence shortly after upon Nanatu's request. Areta and Oz added the knife and the protective curses to the cane only after Nanatu was forcibly relocated to the planet of Aravu due to her Kivrian death during the Bombing of Oseka   Her cane served her well until it was broken by Vittoria Verbena during an argument. The protective curse broke along with the wood. This moment marked the end of several friendships and the start of a dark time in Nanatu's life. While she was able to mend the cane by herself, it took years for someone to realize that the cane's curse had broken since she refused to ask for help when it first happened.
The cane is made from sturdy wood. It is stained dark brown. The carved features are so small that one must look at it closely to identify them as flying birds and clouds. The cane looks lighter than it is in reality, owing both to the wood and the metal blade hidden at the bottom.
As a wooden mobility device, Nanatu's cane is rather simple. It is designed to fit comfortably in the hand and support the weight of the user. The bottom of the cane is protected by a rubber piece. The rubber is designed to come off with the simple flick (or, rather, kick) of a switch, revealing a blade.
Item type
Sensory / Aid
The use of canes is widespread throughout the world, but Nanatu's cane is one of a kind, made specifically with her and her needs in mind by her family.


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